Aaron Appolloni

Job Titles:
  • Sales / Design Manager
Aaron is our Sales / Design Manager and brings his kind and compassionate spirit to everything he does. He leads his team with precision and expertise. He is a native to Central Florida as he was born in Winter Park then raised in Mount Dora. He truly appreciates the diversity that our community has to offer. Aaron is no stranger to construction as his father is a G.C. and after spending several years in residential home building Aaron made the leap to pool construction about approximately 14 years ago. He takes particular pride in ensuring our clients are well informed and understand the intricacies of the pool build process. Aaron's genuine even keeled personality gives our clients great confidence and comfort and we are absolutely delighted he is a part of our PBB team.

Austin Shelton

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Tech Team
  • Service Technician
Austin is one of our technicians. He has a vast amount of experience in working with pools and he uses his knowledge to assist our clients in how to use their pool as well as their equipment. He handles our pool schools and uses his patience and knowledge to educate. By the time he has completed his pool school clients feel confident with their new pool and are ready to swim! Austin is a professional sky diver in his free time and considers himself to be a bit of an aviation nerd. He loves the outdoors and spends his time rock climbing, surfing, cooking and spending time with his family when he's not jumping out of airplanes!

Bob Appolloni

Job Titles:
  • Design Consultant
Bob is a designer and lives in Mt. Dora with his wife. He is a FL GC for over 30 years and has been designing pools since approximately 1996. He has designed pools for countless families over the years and has made many lasting impressions. Bob excels in getting to know his clients and understanding their needs then implementing those needs into designs that bring their vision to life. In his free time, he enjoys RV tripping, fishing and hitting the links. His dog, Auggie, always by his side. He also loves spending time with his son and his beloved grandchildren.

Brad Brumley

Job Titles:
  • Field Supervisor
  • Member of the Construction Team
Every company needs a "go to guy" and Brad is definitely ours. His technical knowledge coupled with his construction experience is second to none. He will be on your job site checking and verifying that each phase is exact and perfect before we move on to the next phase. His eagle eyes on your pool is invaluable! And his sense of humor and quick wit will keep you smiling as it sure does us! By the way, when you get the pleasure of meeting him ask him to sing you a little tune as he is a country western singer in his spare time.

Bradley Eaves

Job Titles:
  • Owner - Operations & Design Consultant
Bradley, of course, is the man behind 1000's of extraordinary designs. We once had a helicopter pilot tell us that when they fly over Orlando he can spot a "Pools by Bradley pool" immediately due to his unique designs. He is our "out of the box" thinker and enjoys a backyard challenge like no other. He shares in his wife's (Megan) passion for charitable opportunities as he's always ready to help our community wherever and whenever necessary. His down to earth style and outgoing personality creates a bond with his clients that last for many years after their pools construction.

Brandon Diviaio

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Construction Team
  • Project Manager
  • Team Member
Brandon is a team member in our construction department. Brandon has the daunting job of scheduling all phases of our clients' pool construction. He works with the Pools by Bradley construction team scheduling the many phases as juggling this very intricate schedule takes patience and perseverance as weather, crew availability, equipment and material challenges, and many other factors play in his role of project manager. When he's not scheduling our pool builds he is enjoying time with his family. His life has been particularly busy as he and his wife recently had a baby boy and he is loving every minute of fatherhood. He enjoys the great outdoors! You'll often see him enjoying our beautiful Florida landscape with a backpack, hiking boots, or a fishing pole in his hand.

Carole Elberg

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Construction Team
  • Communications Liaison
  • Team Member
Carole is a team member in our construction department. She is the ultimate communicator as her role here at Pools by Bradley is to communicate each client's pool build status to them on a regular basis. This is not an easy task as she must stay well informed and disseminate the information accordingly to our clients. She does it with style and grace and our clients are very grateful for the regular updates she gives them. Of course, construction schedules come with a litany of challenges but Carole rises to the occasion each and every time and in an amazing way! When she is not busy sending out communication she can be found spending time with her family and traveling. She's a birder too! For those that may not know the term "birder", she loves wild birds and enjoys watching them in their habitats.

Chris Lewis

Job Titles:
  • Field Supervisor
  • Member of the Construction Team
Chris is our Field Supervisor and his skills in the field are simply outstanding. There doesn't seem to be anything he can't figure out. We like to think he has Superman like qualities! He seems to always get it done and with a smile. He's been in the pool business for over 10 years and has been involved in literally every stage of construction and service. You'll see Chris's friendly face throughout the course of your project. Our clients really seem to appreciate his knowledgeable demeanor and thorough explanations.

Jake Pickles

Job Titles:
  • Design Consultant
Jake is originally from England and moved here in 2005. Jake's parents were in the pool business for many years so he basically grew up in the business. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Management which is an excellent compliment to his pool knowledge. Designing is definitely a passion of Jake's as well as assisting people and making them happy and the pool business is the perfect way to fulfill these passions! He loves to travel with his wife in his free time and gaming with friends and family members.

Joe Chuparkoff

Job Titles:
  • VP Construction / Operations
Joe leads our entire team with enthusiasm and an endless wealth of knowledge of pool construction. He has been in the pool business for 25 + years and has seen it all, so to speak. He can reminisce of the days of supply shortages, hurricanes, and other extreme situations. During his many years of pool construction, a portion of his time was spent in the gunite end of the business. This added experience most definitely compliments his extensive portfolio. He leads his charge in a professional and tactful way and our clients thoroughly enjoy his demeanor and knowledge. Joe is a true techy by nature, enjoying all things tech related. His passion for technology expands to space, cars and everything in between! He is a family man at heart therefore when he is not building pools or managing the Pools by Bradley team then he is enjoying some much deserved family time!

Justus Jackson

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Tech Team
  • Service Technician
Justus is one of our technicians, and a great asset. He loves the autonomy of the job and the different daily challenges it brings. Don't let his youthful smile fool you; he knows how to get the job done. having been trained as an electrician and brick paver installer gives him a unique advantage of tackling several aspects of pool installation. When he's not hard at work with clients, he enjoys gaming, grilling, and engaging with his son.

Kaysen Thurber

Job Titles:
  • Design Consultant
Kaysen is one of our designers located in our New Smyrna Beach office. Kaysen brings absolute delight to all who know her. Our clients enjoy her youthful energy, her creative designs and her customer service skills are spot on! She has a warm smile and kind personality! Kaysen especially excels in client engagement as she gets equally excited for her clients when water is added at the end of the project. Our "beach" clients keep her extremely busy but rest assure she's definitely accustomed to the pace as she and her husband have two little ones, both girls. When she's not making things happen at PBB she is busy singing and doing crafts with her little mites.

Marc Anderson

Job Titles:
  • Design Consultant
  • Designer at Our New Smyrna Beach
Marc, a designer at our New Smyrna Beach location, has been working in the pool industry for over 22 years. Clients enjoy his kind and easygoing demeanor and his eye for detail is sure to please even the most discerning client. He especially excels in creating intricate designs for his clients to enjoy He moved to the great state of Florida when he was 9 years old and at 12 years of age he started surfing and it became huge part of his life. His love of the water keeps him busy with boating, fishing, surfing and anything outdoors. In 2007 he made his dream of living withing walking distance to the ocean a reality where he lives in New Smyrna Beach.

Megan Eaves

Job Titles:
  • Owner - Operations & Marketing
Megan assists her husband, Bradley, in running Pools by Bradley. She is involved in all aspects of the company and helps with anything and everything. Her formal education is marketing so building the Pools by Bradley's brand has been something she has never stopped focusing on since the company's inception over 25 years ago. Her motto has always been to put a splash of fun in everything you do! One of Megan's passions is to involve Pools by Bradley in charitable efforts that enrich and assist our community - such as our swim lesson program for children in need through the local YMCA's. And her ABSOLUTE greatest satisfaction is seeing the Pools by Bradley families happy and enjoying their new outdoor environment.

Scott Carstensen

Job Titles:
  • Field Supervisor
  • Member of the Construction Team
Scott is one of our field supervisors. He assists in the field by overseeing our projects and has such a likeable nature that our clients just really enjoy working with him. one of his many specialties is tile as he has done tile work in many of our US embassies. He loves to paint and raise air plants in his free time as well as working in his yard. When time permits he enjoys boating, offshore fishing, diving, metal detecting and enjoys a nice sunset. If you have the time and you are chatting it up with Scott be sure to ask him about his monkey encounters.

Tucker Lagos

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Office Team
  • Goodwill Ambassador
Tucker is our Lake Mary office sidekick. He is the ambassador of goodwill and positive energy. Some of his responsibilities include giving much needed hugs, greeting clients, emotional support, and reminding us to have a little fun. He often charms our team by encouraging playtime (FETCH!) and giving us all a well-deserved break. When Tucker is not at the office he enjoys playing with his ball at the park, taking long walks, getting snuggles from his fur-parents, and getting lots and lots of belly rubs. If you see Tuck at the office feel free to show him some love as a peoples pup.

Tyana Lagos

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Office Team
  • Front Receptionist
Tyana is the friendly face you will meet when you walk in or call our Lake Mary location. The warmth she exudes can be felt throughout our office and all of the clients she greets. And her smile is simply infectious! She loves to spoil her two cats and her dog Tucker. In fact, Tucker comes to the office with her every day. On weekends she enjoys thrift shopping, quality time spent with family and friends, and spending time outdoors with her furry pal.

Wendy Laughrey

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Office Team
  • Office Manager
Wendy (as known as Wendalls) has been blessing us with her presence, her incredible skills, and her many heart warming giggles for the past 20+ years! She is responsible for billings, receivables, payables and everything in between. Basically she's the money lady! She does an amazing job keeping us all on the straight and narrow and we absolutely do not know what we would do without her. And let's not forget she's our birthday fairy as she makes sure everyone's birthday is celebrated with her homemade cakes and plenty of all around fun and hoopla!