SIRIUS BETA - Key Persons

Dr David Roberts

Dr David Roberts is an experienced mathematician whose research contributions span across several domains, with publications in category theory, mathematical physics, homotopy theory, and the foundations of mathematics. All of this work is characterised by looking for the unifying structures underlying problems and formulating solutions in such a way as to be more widely usable for other mathematical settings. He has also worked as an applied statistician on national-scale survey data analysis project, as well as lectured in mathematics at various universities for over a decade, giving him a passion for mathematical pedagogy and exposition. Applying category theory to solve real-world problems is the next exciting step which he is passionate about.

Dr. Mathew Hancock

Dr. Mathew Hancock is dedicated to advancing the field of risk management and artificial intelligence, particularly focusing on applying situated reasoning to effectively manage risk in complex and uncertain conditions. He has worked in senior risk roles across several ASX companies including Rio Tinto, Downer and Mirvac and expertise lies in developing and implementing data-driven risk management strategies and risk modelling. His capabilities include maintaining integrated risk management frameworks, transitioning from local to global risk evaluation criteria, and leading end-to-end development of organisation-wide risk platforms. Mat's focus has also been the application of advanced technologies like cognitive computing and AI in risk management.