Barry Cohen

Barry has been involved in the Israeli real-estate market for almost 15 years. Born in South Africa, Barry has lived in Ra'anana for 20 years. He believes that the secret to a successful deal is trust and discretion. As a result, he travels extensively to South Africa and London. Even though we live in the digital world, he understands that there is no replacement for face-to-face meetings and the occasional good meal with friends. Barry's motto is ‘surround yourself with good people'.

Mati Glaser

Mati manages our property development division. She is our resident Sabra although she spent many years in South Africa and Australia. Her directness and professionalism on behalf of her clients make her a formidable asset on our team ensuring our clients get the best deal. Mati is a qualified interior designer and uses her natural talent to achieve the best results for our clients. Mati's motto is ‘always follow through with what you have promised'.

Raymond Chazan

Job Titles:
  • Cross Media Marketing by

Shelley Esekow

Shelley made Aliya 8 years ago and she runs the LCM back office. Her Bcom qualification and her experience working for many years at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange ensure that our clients accounts are kept in very good order. The ability to get updated statements on short notice provides total transparency for the properties we manage. Shelleys motto is " never put off until tomorrow what you can do today"

Vicky Amrani

Vicky is a veteran real estate professional and the latest addition to our team. She has worked for some of the biggest developers in Israel and manages our sales department dealing with local buyers and sellers. Vicky is a very determined personality and works extremely hard for her clients showing them total dedication. Vicky's motto is "Don't bullshit the client" and she has the ability to say this in several languages.