Egan Seward

Job Titles:
  • Senior Designer
Egan received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature from Haverford College and joined Jayne Design Studio after graduating in 2003. Her interest in working on historical houses has lead her to pursue intensive programs such as the Attingham Summer School in England and Winterthur Institute immersion in American decorative arts.

Michelle Pines

Job Titles:
  • Designer
Michelle received a Bachelor of Arts in Urban Design and Architecture with a minor in Art History from New York University School of Arts and Sciences in 2015 and an Associates Degree in Interior Design from Parsons School of Design in 2016. She began her career in interior design with internships at Extell Development Company and ID810 Design Groups, and as Design Assistant at Studio Frazar. She joined Jayne Design Studio in October 2017 as an assistant but established herself as a Designer quickly, revealing her great eye and management skills.

Thomas Jayne

Job Titles:
  • Staff Member
Thomas Jayne founded Jayne Design Studio in 1990. His academic training greatly influenced his design philosophy. He received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Oregon's School of Architecture and Allied Arts where he studied with the noted architectural historian Marian Card Donnelly, followed by a master's degree from Winterthur museum's program in American material culture and the decorative arts. After, he pursued advanced fellowships at the American Wing of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Historic Deerfield, and the J. Paul Getty Museum before moving on to a position at Christie's estates and appraisal department. His interest in architecture and the decorative arts eventually lead him to pursue a career in interior design. He was fortunate to work in two of the most influential design studios in America-Parish-Hadley & Associates and Kevin McNamara, Inc.-before opening Jayne Design Studio in 1990. In addition to his international practice, Thomas Jayne is a noted author, writing on historical themes in architecture and decoration. Three books published with Monacelli Press, The Finest Rooms in America (2010), American Decoration (2012) and Classical Principles for Modern Design: Lessons from Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman's The Decoration of Houses (2018) have been highly acclaimed.

William Cullum

Job Titles:
  • Senior Designer
  • Senior Designer of Jayne Design Studio in New York City
William Cullum is the Senior Designer of Jayne Design Studio in New York City. A South Carolina native, William Cullum joined the Studio in 2011 after receiving his Bachelor of Arts from the College of Charleston in Art History and Historic Preservation. William's deep interest and love of 18th and 19th century design deeply inspires his practice. His interiors are known for their imaginative use of texture, pattern and unconventional color. Through over a decade at the Studio, William has furthered the firms' long-standing reputation of creating idiosyncratic interiors that are traditionally influenced and modern in execution. William has furthered his design education by attending prestigious summer programs including the Victorian Society in America's London Summer School, the Chicago Summer School, and most recently, The Attingham Summer School. In 2018, House Beautiful named him to their ‘Next Wave' group of up-and-coming designers. In 2023, a project he worked on with architect Gil Schafer received a Palladio Award for its exemplary classical design. William's home was recently featured in Elle Decor and his work has been featured by publications including Architectural Digest, Veranda, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, amongst others. Recently he worked on the restoration and decoration of the historic Branford-Horry House residence in Charleston, SC for a young family. A few other special projects in the works include a private residence in the Carlyle Hotel, a Victorian house on Oyster Bay and a Neoclassical country house in Connecticut - both with Peter Pennoyer Architects.