Carol van der Meulen

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Director
My experience is simple yet profound; I was mesmerized by the destructive power of my own thoughts and as a result I was angry, depressed and insecure. Self-inquiry enabled me to question my thoughts, befriend my mind and free myself of the chronic despair and anger. Life has become one of increasing joy and peace.

Emily Wetterauer

Before I discovered The Work® as practiced by The Clarity Coaching Institute, depression, drama, and failure were commonplace in my experience. Everything, including my powerful passion to create art was impacted and stunted. At that time, I didn't know how to move beyond the life I had known and grown so uncomfortably comfortable with. When I found The Work®, it was a very quiet and gentle invitation to release my fears and trust my heart. Questioning the reality of the dark corners of my mind has opened up my creativity, curiosity and unconditional love. As I open to this new freedom, my art unfolds naturally and takes me into greater depths within myself.

Hilary Camille Thompson

I discovered the Work of Byron Katie® in 2012 after experiencing intense trauma and grief. Desperate for a solution, The Work® as practiced by The Clarity Coaching Institute brought me the peace, joy, and acceptance I was longing for. The Work® as practiced by The Clarity Coaching Institute has become a powerful tool that I've incorporated into my daily living, and because of it, my life is blessed and more joyous, even in the challenging moments. I am so grateful for every opportunity to practice it and the gift that Clarity Coaching has given me to be able to facilitate others in this healing. My practice focuses on grief, trauma, anxiety, and relationships, but all who come to this work can be blessed by it. It is my honor to sit with courageous people as they discover what I did: the freedom, the peace, the perfection of returning to one's true self. It is truly transformative and life-changing

Jon Thompson

My discovery of The Work® as practiced by The Clarity Coaching Institute came in the midst of what seemed to be an impossible reality when my marriage was falling apart. "Show me how I can live a happy life again," I prayed. A couple of days later a friend introduced me to "Loving What Is" by Byron Katie. From that day on, my life was forever changed. Shortly after reading Katie's book, I met her at an event where she introduced me to Kathryn. I spent a year practicing The Work® with Kathryn before I began training to become a Clarity Coach. In the process, I discovered what a privilege and how profoundly fulfilling it is to facilitate others and to share this beautiful gift.

Kathryn Dixon - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
Before The Work of Byron Katie®, my life was an endless search for truth, understanding and love. Since the spring of 1997 when I attended an afternoon workshop in Salt Lake City with Katie, my life has been an endless discovery of truth, understanding and love.

Todd Hess

In 2018, I was driving to the Grand Canyon alone, listening to a podcast where a man talked about how he had changed his life through The Work of Byron Katie® working with Kathryn Dixon. The very next episode of that podcast interviewed Byron Katie which was not planned by the host. I knew I had to look into it. I began reading Byron Katie's books and started working with Kathryn. At that time I was unemployed, depressed, and full of fear of the unknown. Kathryn invited me into the experience of The Work® by questioning my stressful thoughts. I watched them unravel, clearing the way for clarity of thinking as well as newfound freedom. I get to bask in this freedom - until I don't; then I get to question my new stressful thoughts and find more freedom.