GREASE STOP - Key Persons


Job Titles:
Candice has been with Grease Stop since 2021. She is our Clerical Manager. She has many great skills, including exceptional customer service, which makes her a true asset to Grease Stop. She is the person you will usually talk with when we call to confirm your scheduled appointments. She is always willing to learn new tasks and assist customers and fellow employees when needed.


Job Titles:
  • CFO
Debra, has always supported Greg as his wife and has maintained the accounting practices and administration of the Company to what it is today. She has developed processes that have streamlined the picture program, invoicing, personnel and policy manuals of the Company. The dedication of her desire to grow a successful Company has blossomed when she came aboard in 2008. This has not stopped since she said I do.


Job Titles:
Do it. Eddie says this a lot but in an incredibly positive way to his crew members. He can say that because he has done it in the past. Eddie started with the Company as a technician in 2004 when the Company started. He learned the skills of a crew leader and wanted to get more involved with the Company, so he worked at night "busting grease" and learned sales the Xerox way by day. As the Company grew, he worked less at night more in the day by migrating in sales and operations. He is now the general manager with sales and operations under him. He knows the business from the bottom up. Promoting from within strengthens a Company and always produces positive attitudes for employees to better themselves which helps the Company become more successful as the years to come.

Greg Fisher - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President, Owned and Operated a Franchised KEC Company from 2004 to 2011.
Greg Fisher, President, owned and operated a franchised KEC company from 2004 to 2011. The decision was made, by Greg, to form a new, non-franchised company. Greg's vision is simple. Customer satisfaction has always been at the top of his annual goals when he was with Xerox Corporation for 22 years and now since 2004, he has maintained the same quality without having contracts with his customers in the kitchen exhaust business. If you provide true honest service and develop that relationship with the customer their loyalty will be there. Good service = loyal customers = Company growth.


Job Titles:
Jim, has also been with the Company since 2005 which he now works as the operations and sales manager in charge of all the crews. His has great ability to see both sides of the coin with the customer and the crews to bring both sides together successfully. His knowledge of the hoods, fans and grease containments, in training his crews to become knowledgeable technicians, help maintain the safety of our customers equipment. He also conducts meetings with all technicians on OSHA regulations in safety of ladders, chemical applications, pressure washer maintenance and report card follow up of their performance. He is truly a great asset to our Company.


Job Titles:
Nichelle, who likes to be called; Shell, has been with Grease Stop since 2012. She started with the Company as an Assistant KEC Technician then migrated into the Clerical Administrator position. Her knowledge from being an Assistant Technician, knowing how the cleaning process is completed, and the internal workings of the Company has made her a great asset to Grease Stop. She is currently the Administrative Assistant, Accounting Manager . She is also the Assistant Safety Officer. She has numerous responsibilities including processing invoices & payments, customer care and safety regulations. She always lends a helping hand to make things go as smoothly as possible.