PUZZLE WORLD - Key Persons

Allan J. Boardman

Job Titles:
  • Retired
Allan Boardman is a retired aerospace engineer living in Woodland Hills, California. Like many other puzzle craftsmen, he is an avid woodworker. He is the only craftsman who makes miniature puzzles. Nearly all of his puzzles will fit into a one-half inch (13 mm) or less cubic space. Most of his puzzles are burrs with a few put-together puzzles and an impossible object or two. He calls himself a microxylometagrobologist. Roughly, this translates to "tiny, wood puzzle nut". All of his puzzles are complete working models, though I don't know of many people who put this to the test. His puzzles are generally available for sale. Though most are in stock, he will take special orders. The wait time may be up to six months, but he is dependable and any wait is well worth it.