GBCTN.ORG - Key Persons

Bishop Stephen Prasad

Bishop Stephen Prasad has a ministry in India called Gospel to the Perishing Souls. This is primarily a pastor training and equipping ministry as well. Bishop Stephen trains rural pastors and helps them strategically plant Bible believing and preaching churches. He also has a ministry to widows and orphans. The Lord has recently provided land for the building of a church building and a learning center for pastors. Grace Bible Church provides monthly support for Stephen and has donated toward the building of these facilities. Recently funds were raised to provide 31 bicycles for the rural pastors.

Collin Fearn

) began attending Grace Bible in 1997 with his wife Sofie, and they became members shortly after that. Their family grew to include three sons, Tim, Ian and Nate, who have enjoyed growing up in the church community. Collin and Sofie have served in a number of roles over the years, including leading small group Bible studies and serving in the church's Sunday School programs. (Their sons would add that they have mowed LOTS of yards for busy military members.) Collin has been an elder since 2015.

Dr. Dan Carfrey

Grace Bible Church partners with Dr. Dan Carfrey. He serves on the faculty of the Appalachian Bible College in Bradley, West Virginia. Dan and Shirley Carfrey came to the Greater Fort Campbell area to minister in the summer of 1980 upon graduation from Dallas Theological Seminary. Dan met Shirley in eastern Kentucky where he had previously pastored prior to serving in the U.S. Army as a Chaplain's Assistant and his studies at Dallas Seminary. Dan Carfrey has continued to train young men for the pastoral ministry and is invited on many occasions to preach at Bible conferences, prophetic conferences, and revival meetings, as well as to fill for pastors throughout the region of West Virginia and surrounding states. He and Mrs. Carfrey recently returned from a missions trip to Hungary, where Dan taught through the book of Hebrews for the Word of Life Bible Institute there. There were over fifty students from the countries of Hungary, Romania, Holland, Ukraine, Uganda, Brazil, Canada, and the United States. He ministered in Ukraine this past summer 2011.

Mark Totten

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Pastor Mark Totten ( is from Logan, WV. He answered the call of God to preach the gospel in February of 1977 while planning to be a coal mining engineer. He enrolled at Liberty University (then Liberty Baptist College) in 1977, and completed his B.S. in Religion in 1980. He then attended Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, finishing with an M.Div. in 1983. He was an associate pastor/elder of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Nashville from 1983 until he became the pastor of Grace Bible in 1993. He was chancellor and a professor at Nashville Bible College through the late 80's and early 90's. Pastor Mark is single, loves Star Trek, and is in full time pursuit of holiness and part time pursuit of par. Visit his blog - The Art of Living