GRACE - Key Persons

Julie McPeak

Deaconess Julie McPeak began her service at Grace Lutheran in July, 2018. She serves as the Director of Family Life and loves working with people, especially teens. Deaconess works directly with all children and youth ministry groups. She also sits on the fellowship committee and strives to foster a supportive environment at Grace.

Mary Bonde

Job Titles:
  • Director of Music and Organist
Mary Bonde serves as Grace's Director of Music and Organist and began her ministry at Grace in March 2023. She graduated from Concordia University Wisconsin in 2003, where she received degrees in Parish Music and Lay Ministry. Mary has been active in Parish Music, serving Trinity Lutheran Church and School Waconia, MN ...

Rev. John Armstrong

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Rev. John Armstrong was called by God to serve Grace Lutheran Church in 1997. He loves being a pastor and his favorite pastime is to learn, discuss and share the Word of God with others. Next to his faith in Christ, the greatest gift God has given him is his wife, Harriet. God has greatly blessed their marriage with two daughters ...

Russell Davies

Job Titles:
Russell Davies began his service at Grace in April 2006. He came to the role after completing studies in Lay Ministry through Concordia University, Mequon. Russell is also a son of the congregation and serves ...

Sylvia Smith

Job Titles:
  • Bookkeeper
Sylvia Smith dutifully manages the books for Grace. She and her husband are longtime members. They have three grown sons, two married, and several grandchildren which they visit whenever possible.