Adam Lightbody

Job Titles:
  • Pastor of Student Ministries
Adam was raised here in Port Orchard and grew up at Harper Church. He is currently the Pastor Of Student Ministries, overseeing middle school and high school students. Before that, he served at Harper as the youth intern for five years. Adam received his Bachelor of Arts in Biblical & Theological Studies with a Minor in Psychology from Multnomah University. He and his wife Jenna have been married for five years. In his free time, Adam enjoys reading, music, disc golf, movies, and camping!

Becky Edwards

Job Titles:
  • Children 's Ministry Assistant

Bob Nelson

Job Titles:
  • Facilities Maintenance
Bob has served on staff before at Harper and came on again in 2010 to help out with the custodial needs. After two years, Bob still has custodial duties but works mostly on building maintenance and setting up and tearing down for ministry teams and church events. He is always available to do whatever needs to be done! Bob and his wife Camille have been grandparents for a long time and often get to see their grandkids! Bob is a long-time Gold Wing owner and enjoys long rides . . . . especially when the weather looks good!

Ed Harper

Job Titles:
  • Facility Maintenance
Because of Ed's shared name with the church, he believes serving is the right thing to do. With Ed making up the third wheel of the maintenance team, this trifecta is ready to lead the charge against anything that ails this facility. To accomplish these heroics, Ed's choice of hydration is unashamedly coffee.

Joel Faust

Job Titles:
  • Administration Pastor
Pastor Joel has been the associate pastor at Harper Church since 1999. He graduated from Prairie Bible Institute with an emphasis on Bible and Mission. His connection with Harper goes way back to 1979 when he was in full-time ministry at the church before being sent out as a missionary to Europe in 1981. He and his family returned to the U.S. in 1997 are have resided in Port Orchard ever since. For fun, Joel and Leslie entertain the grandkids and watch Thomas the Tank Engine and re-runs of Mister Rogers Neighborhood.

Mike Allen

Mike came on board in the spring of 2008. He is responsible for the worship ministry, specifically leading worship teams and directing the flow of the worship services. When he is not leading worship here at Harper, Mike is the choral director at South Kitsap High School. Mike and Beth have two children, both grown.… Read More »

Pastor Joel

Job Titles:
  • Associate Pastor

Sheri McNeal

Job Titles:
  • Administrative Assistant
Sheri started in January 2008, doing the weekly bulletins, secretarial duties, website maintenance, church database upkeep, calendar maintenance, directories, church-wide communications and Power Point (projection) ministry. As administrative assistant, she also works with vital financial and business tasks. For fun, she tries to keep up with her 4 adult children. Sheri, a former Gonzaga volleyball and basketball player, enjoys keeping healthy and also watching sports whenever possible!

Theresa Montalvo

Job Titles:
  • Children 's Ministry Assistant
Theresa took the reins of Children's Ministry Assistant in June, 2012. She helps primarily in the nursery/preschool area maintaining the child-care schedule and keeping everyone sane! She is a valuable piece of Children's Ministry puzzle. Theresa and her husband Art love to go camping and enjoy a lot of family functions - on both sides of the family! Theresa loves dogs and has a pet grooming side business.

Tim Lee

Job Titles:
  • Lead Pastor
Tim began serving at Harper in 2015 as the pastor to students. But as of 2023, Tim accepted the call to step into the Lead Pastor role. He is married to Karys Lee, and together they have 4 children (Elijah, Isaiah, David, and Eliana). They both completed their master's at TEDS with Tim's undergraduate program completion at Moody Bible Institute. Tim's passions include his family, expository preaching, biking, camping, and coffee.