Archbishop John Glennon

Archbishop John Glennon appointed Father Carl Rees as pastor. The Rev. Carl A. Rees, born September 29th, 1889, was the second son of Anton Rees and Wilhelmina (Wild) Rees at 2121 Arsenal Street, St. Louis, Mo. He was baptized at SS. Peter and Paul Church on October 1st, 1889. His elementary education was at St. Francis de Sales Parochial School, Gravois and Ohio, St. Louis. His First Holy Communion was May 3rd, 1903 and his Sacrament of Confirmation was September 18th, 1904. He graduated from SS. Peter and Paul High school in June of 1906. He attended St. Louis University, St. Francis Solanus College, Quincy and St. Francis de Sales Seminary, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He was ordained a Priest by Archbishop Glennon at Kenrick Seminary, Webster Groves, June 13th, 1916 and celebrated his First Solemn High Mass at St. Francis de Sales Church, June 25th, 1916. Fr. Rees served as Assistant Priest at St. John the Baptist Church and at St. Augustine's Church, both in St. Louis. First Pastorate was SS. Philip and James Parish, River Aux Vases, Mo. He was appointed to establish St. Martin of Tours Parish on January 12th of 1939.