KJD LAW FIRM - Key Persons

Erni Agustin

Erni Agustin, S.H., LL.M. completed his bachelor degree (S.H.) from Airlangga University Faculty of Law in 2006 and obtained his master of laws (LL.M.) in International and Comparative Private Law Universiteit te Groningen, the Netherlands in 2010. He has field of expert in private law and Inheritance Law. Erni is vice managing partner of this firm.

Nizar Fikri

Nizar Fikri, S.H., M.H. (Chief Executive Officer) completed his bachelor degree (S.H.) and Magister Hukum (M.H.) from Airlangga University Faculty of Law. Since 2013, he has license for practicing before Indonesian courts from PERADI. Nizar is associate and one of KJD's litigant.