SOLID - Key Persons

Anna Callegari

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
Anna Callegari: Anna was one of the founding Directors of SOLID in 2000 and continues to actively participate in the activities of the organization. As a pharmacist, her focus remains the health projects of SOLID, and in particular Sala Hantle (Stay Well) Africa, a fundraising collaborative with UBC Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences and VIDEA which supports the various health initiatives of our African Partners. Anna has travelled to Sub-Saharan Africa twice and witnessed first-hand the struggles faced by communities so direly affected by HIV/AIDS. Anna was honoured when she, along with RN Beth Gessinger, received the BC Pharmacy Association's Award of Excellence 2007 in recognition of professional dedication and humanitarian distinction in providing direct patient care for people suffering from HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa.

Lynda Turner

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
Lynda Turner: Lynda has been associated with SOLID for over 2 years. She is now in charge of volunteers at the SOLID Exchange and is a SOLID director. She has visited a variety of countries in Africa many times, but has been most involved with western Kenya. She has a learning centre in Chavakali Kenya, Dormer K,that has a library for teachers, students, and kindergarten children. It also has computers to train students and a sewing centre that provides street girls with a trade. Lynda continues to raise money to provide many students in the area with uniforms, feminine hygiene kits for upper elementary girls, and rain collection systems for schools and she visits the area yearly.

Melanie Furman

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
Melanie Furman: Melanie has been involved with SOLID for the past 7 years. Her desire to work with African communities began 10 years ago when she fell in love Zimbabwean music. The music taught her the values of how to live in community, as well as off the land and she felt she wanted to give something of herself back. In 2005 she travelled to South Africa, Zimbabwe and Lesotho with four other SOLID members. She spent six months volunteering in various communities nurturing gardens. In 2006 she moved to Zimbabwe for two years to work with Kufunda Learning Village, a Zimbabwean NGO that lives as a community learning, and teaching self reliance to fellow Zimbabweans.

Meron Moroz

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
Meron Moroz: Meron has been actively involved with SOLID since the spring of 2004. Her initial connection with the organization was as a volunteer bookkeeper for the 1st Community to Community conference. Moved by the dedication, commitment and purpose of SOLID she quickly became a member then later joined the Board of Directors. She currently provides administrative support to the organization, is actively involved in community outreach, fundraising and was a co-founder of SOLID Exchange, a retail outlet for African goods that raises funds to support SOLID projects.

Sam Barlow

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board of Directors
Sam Barlow: Sam joined the SOLID board in 2010 but has been actively involved with SOLID projects for many years. She has travelled to Africa to SOLID projects in Lesotho and Swaziland.