DWELL HOMES - Key Persons

Bryan Doull

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With extensive international experience in the UK, Bermuda, Eastern Europe and Australia Bryan moved from Scotland to New Zealand in 2003 and set up an independent design practice in 2009. Bryan enjoys clever design with energy efficiency in mind and employs sustainable construction methods that minimise environmental impact.


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Lena has been creating beautiful interiors for private clients and Dwell Homes since 2009. She works closely with both the client and the architectural design team to ensure the interiors are anchored and work cohesively with the exteriors. As an interior designer, Lena offers a carefully considered design response to each project with particular emphasis on clean lines, neutral tones and balanced use of natural materials.

Sophie Doull

With a Bachelor of Arts in Media and Communication and Cinema Studies, Sophie is currently studying Interior Design and developing her skills in residential spaces. Her passion is for quality and aesthetics, assisting in developing each client's vision and in the presentation of visual imagery.