Henry Wehrman

Henry Wehrman, F.W. Lawson, Robert Greenwood, and Henry Fox, Jr. signed the articles of incorporation. The Officers elected were Henry Wehrman, President; F.W. Lawson, Vice President; and R.M. Gourley, Cashier. Pictured is Henry Wehrman, President, 1894.

James Murphy

James Murphy began his banking career as a bookkeeper in 1917. He served as Cashier and Executive Vice President after the death of I.J. Wehrman, giving over 50 years of service to the bank and community.

Lee Clabaugh

Lee Clabaugh began work at the bank in April of 1946. In November, 1968, Lee and Charlotte purchased the outstanding stock of the Commercial Bank. Lee Clabaugh was elected President and Cashier; W.E. Garrison, Vice President; and Charlotte Clabaugh, Vice President. They also serve as directors. In June 1972, Donald Biltoft, Cashier, was elected to the board, as was Steve Clabaugh in January of 1978.

Steve Clabaugh

Steve Clabaugh was elected President in April of 1997. Lee Clabaugh was also elected CEO in 1997 and continued in that position until his retirement in December 2011 after more than 60 years of service. Lee remained on the board of directors as a member emeritus until his death on November 11, 2015. In 2012, David Ochsner was elected President and Steve Clabaugh CEO. Steve remained CEO until his death on January 2, 2022.