Updated 13 days ago
Umbilical Stem Cells - an overview of the various types of umbilical stem cells, such as adult stem cells, fetal, pluripotent and totipotent, blastocyst embryonic stem cells...
Every cell in the body starts as a stem cell. A stem cell is a cell without a 'job'. Meaning that it can become a different body part depending on the signals it receives. Once a stem cell begins to receive signals, then certain genes are 'turned on' based on the signal. Once these genes are functioning, the cell then differentiates, thus becoming what the signals and genes are telling it to be...
Although umbilical stem cells are at an early stage, they are not the youngest or most versatile stem cells available. They are, however very useful in many areas of research or medicine to help cure or repair damaged body tissues. Stem cells are the building blocks of all tissue in the body.
Also known as: umbilical stem cells