Craig Fairclough - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Craig's corporate experience includes 18 years as Area Sales Manager for Colgate. More recent endeavors include owning and operating Grandma's Country Foods, specializing in food and supplies for the emergency preparedness industry which started with one spice and developed into a multi-million dollar corporation under Craig's direction. In his 20+ years in the preparedness industry, he learned that safe, clean water was the number one emergency need and has since focused his efforts there. Craig's humanitarian efforts include relief work in India's leper colonies and various support projects for his church and community.

Sat-Sun Closed

Tom Smokoff - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Research Scientist
Tom is a Research Scientist, whose primary focus has been in the development of safer, long-term, alternative solutions for point of use water treatment as well as the best methods for water filtration based on proven science, and testing. He has worked with Federal, State and International water quality codes, as well as humanitarian programs, world wide.