Job Titles:
  • Co Founder, Jungian Analyst and Psychotherapist
Alan has 30 years of experience in private practice and managing teams in statutory services. He has a particular interest in eating disorders, relationships, and sexual compulsivity, and works with both individuals and couples - always taking care to create a warm, welcoming environment for clients. His work uses active imagination, symbolism, metaphor, and dream imagery as a way of accessing the unconscious and bringing about meaningful change. Alan believes that meditation and soul work is also a powerful way of reaching one's potential and spiritual path.


Job Titles:
  • Strategic Development Manager


Job Titles:
  • Consultant Family Psychotherapist
Formerly leader of the systemic family therapy service across 8 mental health clinics in Surrey, Caroline specialises in family, couple and individual psychotherapy in which a family member struggles with eating disordered thinking and behaviour, and/or with post-traumatic stress, and/or gender and sexual issues, and/ or bereavement problems. Formerly a member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy editorial board, she has written extensively about these subjects in books and professional journals. Her default approach to providing people with psychotherapy is to help them feel more empowered in relation to the problems that led them to seek help.


Job Titles:
  • Registered Associate Nutritionist
Hannah holds a Master's degree in Human Nutrition, a Bachelor's degree in Psychology, and has completed accredited nutritional counselling courses in Disordered Eating and Body Image. Hannah prides herself on combining the latest evidence-based nutritional science with elements of psychology to provide clients with the highest standard of personalised, holistic and compassionate care. Her goal as a nutritionist is to help clients escape the prison of eating disorder and disordered eating thoughts and find food freedom so they can enjoy nourishing their body and mind with food that supports both mental and physical health. Hannah's approach to treatment is built upon kindness, integrity and trust, so that clients feel safe and supported in their journey to better health and wellbeing.


Job Titles:
  • Intern Psychotherapist / Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy ( BACP )
Hannah is a life coach with over a decade of experience who works one to one and with groups, both in person and online. Her aim is to help people rebuild their lives from the inside out, so they can find their 'home' within themselves. Hannah likes to work both symbolically and strategically to help you explore any limiting beliefs or ideas, whilst processing any difficulties and obstacles which may be holding you back. Hannah is currently training at the Society of Analytical Psychology to become a psychodynamic psychotherapist.


Job Titles:
  • Intern Psychotherapist
James has been working in mental health settings for more than 15 years. He has completed training in mental health nursing, the ‘Psychodynamic reflective practice in mental health' degree program at the Tavistock Clinic, and the foundation year at the Institute of Group Analysis. Since 2012 James has worked in an inpatient therapeutic community for individuals with complex needs. He is a calm, warm and thoughtful individual who is able to remain anchored in the process of helping individuals work through their difficulties. James is currently training as a psychodynamic psychotherapist at the Society of Analytical Psychology.


Registered Member of UKCP and College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists (COSRT). Janine helps clients explore a wide range of issues and life circumstances, including relationship and sexual difficulties, anxiety, addiction, stress, difficulties managing overwhelming thoughts and feelings, overeating, loss, and self-esteem issues. Some clients specifically choose to come to therapy to enrich their lives: perhaps by developing purpose or deepening their spiritual understanding. Most of our work together will involve talking therapy, although some clients find it helpful to work creatively with drawings, imagery, dreams, bodywork, sand trays or visualisation. Regardless of your preference, our work will help you to understand what is preventing you from leading a vibrant and resilient life.


Laura believes that to truly enjoy life we have to set ourselves free, from messages received in our pasts that no longer serve us and that actually, may, deaden us. The first steps of change are awareness, which can sometimes look like a break down, burnout, stress, fatigue, a message from the body to say change is required or a spiritual awakening that something is wrong, you are not on the right path perhaps. If you are struggling with eating, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, low self-esteem, difficulty in relationships or a sense that something isn't quite right then Laura will work with you in a collaborative style, guiding you through difficult times, towards feeling alive and rested. Laura trained at The University of Greenwich in a psychodynamic modality, is a member with the BACP and previously worked at The Priory. Laura often works long term building a trusting and safe therapeutic relationship to get to the root cause of your issue.


Job Titles:
  • Dietitian / Member of BDA Registered With the Health and Care Professions Council
A registered dietitian with a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from The University of Surrey, Liz feels passionate about supporting and working alongside individuals with eating disorders as they journey towards recovery and re-establish a healthy relationship with food and their body. Having had personal experience of eating disorders, Liz feels she has great empathy and understanding of the complex nature of eating disorders and the role nutrition plays in mental and physical health.


Job Titles:
  • Financial Controller


Marta holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Psychotherapeutic Counselling and a Master of Science in Psychotherapy from the University of Brighton. She completed her training at the University of Sussex Counselling Service and the Rock Clinic in Brighton. Marta believes in a holistic approach to therapy; therefore, the mind-body-soul connection is central to her work. She does not rate a ‘one size fits all' approach, hence has trained in a variety of modalities such as family systems, CBT, polyvagal therapy and hypnotherapy, in order to offer therapy tailored to each client's needs. She is a qualified heart meditation facilitator and a master reiki practitioner. Working with individuals and couples, she provides a safe, holding and healing space to explore and process any past or current suffering in order to move from surviving to thriving.


Michelle has previously worked in residential settings supporting clients with eating disorders, addictions and compulsive disorders. She studied at the University of Greenwich on a BACP accredited degree counselling course. Michelle is passionate about the healing process of therapy and brings a strong intuitive stance which is reflected in her work. Michelle's extensive experience of support fellowships has shaped and informed her on a personal level for many years which Michelle brings to The Surrey Centre along with her warmth, and a calm grounded nature. Michelle has a particular interest in working with clients to find the underlying issue associated with an eating disorder.


Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) What is key in all aspects of working as a psychotherapist is the capacity to listen without judgement or expectation. Nancy works in an integrative way, incorporating her training, intuition and personal experience of self-enquiry and development. Using varied approaches and creative tools when appropriate. Creating a safe, calm space where each individual is supported in their journeys of recovery, healing and growth. Working collaboratively, and with empathy within each relationship is fundamental to Nancy. She has innate sensitivity, the capacity to think clearly and be curious with her clients as they seek to understand themselves. Nancy has benefited from her own membership of support fellowships for over thirty years, giving her a wealth of experience, strength and hope from which she draws inspiration. Experienced in working across multiple issues, including addiction, eating disorders, disordered eating, depression, anxiety and trauma. Nancy is a qualified yoga teacher and heart meditation facilitator. She can work with the breath and assist in helping people learn how to self-soothe when their nervous systems are activated and causing distress. Nancy continues to focus on self-development including attending workshops, training seminars and courses. In 2022 and 2023, she will be an assistant on Babette Rothschild's Somatic Trauma Therapy Training.


Phil has almost 35 years of experience in private practice and managing teams in statutory services. A former seminarian, Philip has spent all his life in contemplation. At the same time he is very much a man of the world. If you tried to pin him down as anything other than a compassionate human being who is able to help the people who come to him for Jungian analysis to live with their own complexity and all the inner and external slings and arrows of outrageous fortune which beset them, you would be on a hiding to nothing. As a clinician he is able both to empathise and to challenge in helping troubled and lost to find themselves.


Job Titles:
  • Co Founder and Senior Dietitian
Shannon has 30 years of experience of working with eating disorders. She has worked for Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust and as a Nutritional Consultant for several treatment centres in the UK. Shannon provides nutritional counselling for adults and young people and runs groups for patients and carers. Shannon has an MSc in Institutional Administration, Texas Women's University and a BSc in Home Economics majoring in Food, Nutrition and Institutional Management, University of Alabama. Shannon's wealth of experience and calm 'no nonsense' approach is both reassuring and highly effective as her clients work towards recovery.


Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
After 15 years working in finance in Bristol and the City, Steven changed career direction to work as a fundraiser in the charity sector. This included six years with an addictions and mental health counselling service, nine years for a SEN school and three years as a manager for an arts and culture organisation. He has been working at The Surrey Centre since 2021 and is the first point of contact at The Surrey Centre.


Tanya is a sensitive, kind and creative psychotherapist who believes the relationship is an essential aspect of therapy. Tanya creates a sense of calm and stability promoting self-awareness, acceptance, vulnerability and healing. Tanya is experienced working with trauma however that may manifest itself (ie. addictions, eating disorders, self-harm, depression, anxiety, shame...) and recognises it is not uncommon for people's lives to unravel in a variety of painful ways and unhelpful coping strategies that can negatively impact daily life. Tanya works with curiosity and patience with individuals, families and young people, at their pace, to strengthen the relationship with themselves. Tanya can work creatively with clients who may feel safer working with images and or play rather than talking more directly about their feelings to gain insight. Tanya trained at The University of Greenwich in Integrative Counselling and has worked at Lifeworks a residential treatment facility for emotional and psychological disorders, at The Place 2 Be in London as a play therapist and as part of Surrey's Early Help team holistically supporting families with complex and multiple needs. Tanya believes we are more than our trauma, our mistakes, our illness or disability.


Tara completed both her FDSC Integrative and BA (Hons) in Counselling through The University of Greenwich. Tara believes in the importance of healing psychological trauma, inspiring personal growth and shining a light on the human need for connection, with kindness. In forming this connection with her clients, Tara is able to explore their pain with them, as she understands that it can be a very lonely place. Tara has experience in working with eating disorders, trauma, loss, depression and anxiety, in adults and young people from the age of 13.