Hugh Bullmore

Job Titles:
  • Engineer from Rolleston
Richard Watson set out to design the new blade shears similar to that of the electric shearing hand-pieces and its changeable comb&cutter system. To achieve the best quality, Richard chose to work with blades made from high-quality durable D2 tool steel instead of high carbon steel in which all old style shears are made from. This is a major handicap in their design because changeable blades can not be used as metal fatigue failure in its W shaped hinge is known to occur. Richard recognised that a completely new hinge system needed to be designed He teamed up with Hugh Bullmore, an engineer from Rolleston near Christchurch, Peter Lorimer a knife maker, also from Christchurch and Hugh de Lacy the journalist to produce the first working prototype of the Watson Multi Shears. In November 1999, Richard founded the original Watson Shears Ltd as a research and design company together with Greg Inwood in an advisory role. The newly formed company then took on the services of Ross Taylor Industrial Design from Christchurch. In the years that followed, Watson Multi Shears produced many more working and non-working prototypes. These were tested extensively until the design had reached a level of superior reliability and quality at a price. The result has made crutching/shearing sheep easier and trouble-free - Watson Multi Shears! In 2013 Watson Multi Shears launched as a business and in early 2014 the first production run of shears was ready for sale.

Richard Watson - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Managing Director
Watson Multi Shears' success story began with director Richard Watson who worked as a professional blade sheep shearer throughout many of New Zealand's South Islands high-country sheep stations. "When working as a sheep shearer I often got frustrated with the inefficient old tools. The sheep shearing shears we used had seen little in the way of design improvement for centuries," Richard says. "It was about time they were modernised!" Richard Watson set out to design the new blade shears similar to that of the electric shearing hand-pieces and its changeable comb&cutter system. To achieve the best quality, Richard chose to work with blades made from high-quality durable D2 tool steel instead of high carbon steel in which all old style shears are made from. This is a major handicap in their design because changeable blades can not be used as metal fatigue failure in its W shaped hinge is known to occur. Richard recognised that a completely new hinge system needed to be designed He teamed up with Hugh Bullmore, an engineer from Rolleston near Christchurch, Peter Lorimer a knife maker, also from Christchurch and Hugh de Lacy the journalist to produce the first working prototype of the Watson Multi Shears. In November 1999, Richard founded the original Watson Shears Ltd as a research and design company together with Greg Inwood in an advisory role. The newly formed company then took on the services of Ross Taylor Industrial Design from Christchurch.