Bruno Vellas

Job Titles:
  • Professor
Professor Maria Eugenia Soto Martin is geriatrician and head of the Alzheimer's clinical and research center in the Department of Geriatric Medicine at the Toulouse University Hospital in France. She is also head of the Aging and Disability Prevention Team of the Gerontopole, a WHO-collaborating center for Frailty, Clinical Research and Geriatric Training. Currently, she leads with Professor Bruno Vellas the implementation of ICOPE WHO program in the region of Occitanie in France. She is also a professor of Geriatric Medicine and she is member of the Research Aging Team MAINTAIN (CERPOP UMR 1295). In 2009 she obtained a Master M2 degree in statistics and epidemiology from the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse. Pr. Soto has a PhD in Alzheimer's disease and cognitive progression from the same University. Currently she is principal investigator or coinvestigator of research programs focusing AD and neuropsychiatric symptoms. She has received grants from the French Ministry of Health Grant and the European Commission. She also participates as principal investigator or co-investigator in different pharmacological trials and collaborates with pharmaceutical industries to develop and enhance the therapeutic progress for neuropsychiatric symptoms in AD. Since Mars 2022, Pr Soto is president of the French Federation of Memory Centers whose interest is to promote and evaluate the diagnostic, therapeutic and medico-social care of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease or related diseases whatever the stage of evolution, to participate in academic research and therapeutic trials to generate new advances in Alzheimer's disease and related diseases, to mobilize for prevention in the field of cognition and aging and finally to engage in training and information concerning these diseases.

Constantine George

Job Titles:
  • Neurologist, MD. Baltimore, USA

Dr. Cecilia Marelli

Job Titles:
  • Neurologist, MD, PhD. Montpellier, France
Dr Cecilia Marelli is a Neurologist at the Department of Neurology of the Gui de Chauliac Hospital in Montpellier. Dr Marelli is involved in the genetic and metabolic components of neurodegenerative diseases, including Huntington's disease, cerebellar ataxias and spastic paraplegia, and mitochondrial disorders. She is head of the Montpellier Expert Center for Neurogenetic diseases and of the Montpellier Huntington's Disease Expert Center.

Dr. Edward N. Wilson

Job Titles:
  • Professor
  • Researcher, PhD. San Francisco, USA
Dr. Edward Wilson is a Professor of neurology at Stanford University in California, USA. His research focuses primarily on Alzheimer's disease, but also on Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Dr. Wilson has extensive experience in pre-clinical research in these areas with numerous in vivo studies.

Dr. Guy Rouleau

Job Titles:
  • Director of the Neuro ( Montreal Neurological Institute - Hospital
  • Neurologist, MD, PhD. Montreal, Canada
Dr. Guy Rouleau is Director of The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), Chair of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of McGill University, Director of the Department of Neuroscience of McGill University Health Centre, and co-founder of the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute. He is also Vice-President of the World Federation of Neurology. For more than 30 years, Dr. Guy Rouleau and his team have focused on identifying the genes causing several neurological and psychiatric diseases, including autism, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, hereditary neuropathies, epilepsy and schizophrenia, as well as providing a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms that lead to these disease symptoms. Among Dr. Rouleau's main achievements are his contribution to the identification of dozens of disease-causing genes and his discovery of new mutational mechanisms. Dr. Rouleau has published over 900 articles in peer-reviewed journals and has been quoted more than 95 000 times (Google Scholar). He has supervised more than a hundred students at the Masters, PhD and Post-doctoral levels in addition to receiving numerous awards for his contribution to science and society.

Dr. Mahmoud Pouladi

Job Titles:
  • Associate Professor
  • Researcher, PhD. Vancouver, Canada

Jacques Touchon

Jacques Touchon is Emeritus Professor at Montpellier University France, member of the Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier (INM) INSERM UNIT 1298. He is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's disease (JPAD), co-Chairman and founding member of the of the Clinical Trials on Alzheimer's Disease conference (CTAD).

Jean-Claude Maurel - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Jean-Claude Maurel created Medesis Pharma in 2003. He trained as a medical doctor and has more than 30 years of experience in the research, development and marketing of drugs. He created the Natura Medica laboratory in 1985, a pharmaceutical laboratory that developed and marketed extracts of medicinal plants, which was then sold in 1990 to IPSEN-BEAUFOUR. In 1991, he created a research company that, after 10 years of chemical and pharmacological explorations, discovered the lipid constituents that today are the foundation of AONYS® technology. In 2003, he created Medesis Pharma by bringing together patents and technical know-how.

Mario Alcaraz

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Executive Board, General Secretary
Mario Alcaraz holds a Master's degree in Finance & Management, a Master's degree in Management Control, a Diploma in Accounting and Management, as well as a Global Executive MBA. He is currently completing management courses at Berkeley University. Mario is a former Chief Financial Officer and Head of Management Control. He served in various sectors of activity including that of Biotechnology where his functions also included investor relations and financial communication.

Olivier Connes - Chairman

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Board
  • Chairman of the Management Board of the Meridis Group
Olivier Connes is Chairman of the Management Board of the Meridis Group, a supplier of industrial equipment specializing in planning, food processing and research. Partner at Solid Surfaces Applications, a company specializing in the wood and PVC joinery sector.

Pr Soto

Job Titles:
  • President of the French Federation of Memory Centers

Serge Gauthier

Job Titles:
  • Neurologist, MD. Montreal, Canada

Solène Guilliot

Job Titles:
  • Doctor
  • Member of the Executive Board, Chief Medical Officer & Head of R & D
Solene Guilliot is a doctor of pharmacy with over 7 years of experience in medical affairs and clinical development. Previously, she held several international positions at Sanofi Genzyme and Bristol-Myers Squibb (United States, Canada, Germany and France). With her experience in neuroscience and immunology, in industry and in hospitals, she joined Medesis Pharma in 2021.

Zahinoor Ismail

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Canadian Consensus Conference
  • Contributor
Dr. Ismail is Chair of the Canadian Consensus Conference on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia, which generates Canadian dementia guidelines, the most recent iteration of which were published in 2020. He is also Chair of the Canadian Conference on Dementia, and past Academic Co-chair of the US Alzheimer's Association-ISTAART Neuropsychiatric Syndromes Professional Interests Area. Dr. Ismail is a contributor to international working groups advancing nosology in neurodegenerative diseases.