Guide Brandon Patterson

Guide Brandon Patterson - Brandon is a second generation guide and has been fishing Atlantic salmon since a young age. He joined the Club in 2015 and worked two previous years as a guide for another organization on the Saint John. His passion for the sport is obvious when out on the River and the care and attention he pays to anglers make him a valued addition to our team. Guide Gordon Drody - Gordon is a real outdoorsman, having spent the majority of his career working in nature and around salmon rivers. In the late 70's and 80's he was employed on the Saint John by the Québec Government on a salmon research project. Later he worked for the Saint John Salmon Club for several seasons doing conservation work and was a salmon and bear hunting guide for another local outfitter. We were very pleased to have Gordon return with us in 2008. Oh, did we mention he is also a great photographer out on the River.

Guide Lowell Patterson

Guide Lowell Patterson - Lowell has been guiding on the Saint John since 2009, but his start in salmon angling began much earlier. He worked for many years perfecting his skills at a lodge on the nearby York River. The consideration he shows toward his anglers and the dedication he has on the job make him a valued addition to our group. In addition, Lowell is an accomplished fly tyer. And his favorite fly? Undoubtedly the Tiger Ghost. Guide Percy Annett - Beginning his employment with the group in 2000, Percy soon learned the art of salmon angling and how to run a canoe through rough stretches of the Saint John River. An accomplished angler he is one of our main instructors in fly casting for people who are new to the sport. He will have you putting out a nice line in no time.

Guide Percy Annett

Guide Daniel Bechervaise - Danny joined our group in the spring of 2018. His grandfather was a long-time guide with the Club and he follows in his foot steps. He is a great outdoor enthusiast and makes sure that our clients are well cared for. On most days he is working on the upstream canoe run, through waters that are still today inaccessible by road. River safety is a priority for Danny.

Ray Rooney

Job Titles:
  • Manager
Manager Ray Rooney - Ray's beginnings with the Club date back to 1976, while still a student. He worked a variety of jobs such as waiter, fishing guide, and conservation assistant. In 1983 he took on the position of manager. Keeping things running smoothly and providing clients with the best service possible are at the top of his list. Chef Sheldon Stanley - To say that Sheldon has a broad knowledge of food would be a bit of an understatement. He literally grew up in the restaurant business, as his family have owned and operated establishments in Gaspé for many years.We are happy to say that he has been with us since 1999. The variety and quality of his cuisine are second to none.

Sheldon Stanley

Job Titles:
  • Chef
Waitress and Kitchen Assitant Penny Clark - After spending several years employed at a lodge in Northern Ontario, Penny joined the Saint John Salmon Club in the spring of 2001. Penny is a busy lady around the Club but makes it look easy because she is so well organized. She makes sure that our guests are comfortable and well taken care of.