CRED - Key Persons

Cheryl Jenkinson

My name is Cheryl Jenkinson and I'm married to Rich. I live in Thornbury and have 4 children of which the younger three are still at school. I originally trained in Theology and Music at London School of Theology and became a youth and music pastor after I graduated. For several years I worked for The Lighthouse Group, a charity which works with children at risk of exclusion from school. I was a youthworker, but then joined the operations department, with responsibility for finances and fundraising, culminating in my gaining qualifications in Fundraising. Over time I have assisted other small charities with book-keeping, fundraising and strategic development, initially in Bradford and then in Thornbury. Our young son has Down Syndrome, and this has been reflected in some of the organisations I have provided support to. I first got to know about CRED through the Acholi support programme in Uganda. I am delighted and honoured to be able to serve as a trustee and play a more involved part in the ongoing development of all aspects of CRED Foundation.

Helen Harrison

Job Titles:
  • Operations Manager
  • Partner Liaison Manager
I have been involved with CRED since 2009, first as a team member on a trip to Thailand, then as a trip leader, and then I joined the staff team and did all the organisation and logistics for all the CRED Team Trips. More recently I have taken on the role of Partner Liaison and Donor Support Manager. I have visited all of the CRED Partners on several occasions, so I know very well just how inspirational they all are. It's a real honour to be able to support their work through my role in CRED. I am mother to adult twin daughters and am married to Tim. My faith is at the heart of my life and I am an active member of Thornbury Baptist Church. I am involved in the local community through being a local councillor and a trustee of two local charities. I unwind by gardening, baking and to keep fit I enjoy all the triathlon disciplines, or a visit to the gym if the weather is really bad!

Nicky Phipps

My name is Nicky Phipps, wife to David, mother to two teenage daughters and a committed Christian. A qualified Chartered Surveyor, I "retired" about 19 years ago when my eldest daughter was born. Since then I have been a full-time wife and mother and in my spare time I have undertaken a number of voluntary roles at my local Baptist church, serving the local community through the toddler group, children's holiday clubs and the Foodbank.

Simon Wareham

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of Trustees
I have been a Trustee of CRED since November 2014 and became chair of Trustees in January 2020. I have been connected with CRED since 2010, when I went on my first trip to a CRED partner in Ethiopia. I am now retired after working my whole career in the financial services industry and spending a lot of that time in risk management and governance activities. Since retiring I have begun volunteering at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) supporting their passion for the environment and I see this as playing my part in caring for the creation of which we have been made stewards. I am church warden and treasurer at St Andrew's Kinson in Bournemouth, where I lead worship and preach. I am church warden and treasurer at St Andrew's Kinson in Bournemouth, where I lead worship and I am married to my wonderful wife Sue, who is also now retired. We have four brilliant, beautiful daughters who range between their early 30s and mid 20s, the eldest, who is married and has a son, has been a leader on CRED team trips visiting Thailand, India, Ethiopia and Uganda and also worked as an intern at one the partners in Ethiopia. Two of the other three live in Bournemouth and the third lives with her husband in Bristol. When I get spare time, I enjoy bird watching, photography and sharing a walk and a coffee with my wife.