S2 COMPUTERS - Key Persons

Alex Lewis

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
An experienced and approachable IT Technician who loves to help every customer who calls in. When not supporting the S2 client base, Alex can be found gaining more knowledge in the IT sector, reading and walking his dog across Norfolk's countryside.

Andrew Atthowe

Job Titles:
  • Director
When not working can be found chasing around his three young children and loves getting out on his bike or going for a run to clear his head.

Dominic Davie

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
Dominic has been working in IT roles for nearly a decade. He brings with him a wealth of experience in customer service and a passion for learning all things technical. When not at work, he can be found exploring the great outdoors or tinkering with his home IT lab.

George Hall

Job Titles:
  • Senior IT Technician
George has worked in IT for nearly a decade and enjoys all facets of the job. Outside of work you can find him either in the pub, being walked by his dog through the countryside or weightlifting.

Graham Bygrave

Job Titles:
  • Service Desk Manager
Andrew's right hand man, Graham is a very knowledgeable engineer with many years of experience. He's an excellent problem solver who you can always count on to stay calm in a crisis, and he loves a good brew.

Helen Atthowe - CHRO

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Head of HR
Helen deals with all Human Resources issues and also oversees all of the business management, marketing and administration. When not working, Helen is a busy mum to our three young children and loves travelling, football, reading and spending time with her family.

Jack Knight

Jack has been working with computers in various ways for a few years now, but in the customer service industry for over a decade. When he's not working you can find him getting in touch with his inner nerd, either gaming or painting. He also helps out at the family holiday let at the weekends

Jack Streeter

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
Jack has two years' experience in the IT industry and is driven by a commitment to provide exceptional client satisfaction. When he's not at work, you'll likely find him indulging in his passions for MMA, culinary adventures and spending quality time with friends - though he's also been known to sneak in a quick nap!

Jess Sprouse

Job Titles:
  • Sales & Office Administrator
Jess has previous experience in Telecoms and is looking forward to putting her skills to use at S2 Computers. In her spare time, she loves to meet people at church, see friends and family and watch Netflix.

Nathan McGeary

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
Nathan comes to S2 with many years' experience working in IT and Telecoms. He is Comptia A+ and N + certified, along with more phone systems than he would like to admit! He has a passion for customer support and always aims to do what is best for the client.

Phil Bloomfield

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
Phil has been working in the IT industry for 7 years now. He enjoys getting hands on with technology and loves learning new systems. Outside of work he enjoys going for walks, playing on his Xbox and doing cross stitch.

Pippa Shaw

Job Titles:
  • Admin
  • Team Leader
Pippa is our Pink Spaghetti virtual admin hero, helping with accounts, HR admin and marketing. She keeps these areas running smoothly behind the scenes. We would be lost without her, she has been an amazing company resource.

Richard Connew

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
Richard has been working in support for a few years, bringing knowledge of networking and desktop support with previous experience in managing websites. Richard trained through IT Career Switch and is currently working towards his CYSA+ certification. In his spare time, Richard likes to DJ at home and enjoys reliving 90s dance music and dubstep. Richard is also a trained Padi Scuba Diver.

Richard Stone

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager & Senior IT Technician
Richard has built a lifelong career in technology and spent 17 years in an IT role at a West Midlands manufacturing company.

Sam Dixon

Job Titles:
  • IT Technician
Sam has been working in IT for 6 years now, supporting many different systems and businesses. He is passionate about creating efficient and automated solutions wherever possible. Outside of work, Sam loves weightlifting, boxing and running. If he's not being active, you can find him relaxing at home, watching TV and getting creative with his cooking!