Eero Pennala

Job Titles:
  • Solution Architect
Eero has background in bioinformation technology from Aalto University. He has previously worked in various Data & Analytics positions, spanning from healthcare sector to traditional B2B/B2C business and both in SME and large multinational corporations. He has experience with customer centric solutions and building data pipelines to support data-driven decision making. In his free time he tries enjoys a multitude of sports activities as well as spending time with his energetic son.

Juho Pietilänaho - CFO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Financial Officer
Juho is the CFO of MediSapiens through a financial services company, Greenstep, where he is one of the partners. Before entering the world of startups, he worked at Nokia Corporation in several positions, most recently as a business controller responsible for the sales and marketing development activities portfolio. Juho has helped numerous startups to raise funding and has enabled many entrepreneurs to improve their business performance in various industries. He holds an M.Sc. in Economics from Turku School of Economics.

Max Salmi - COO, CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Operating Officer
  • Chief Technology Officer
Max has background in mathematics and computer science from the University of Helsinki. He has previously worked as a developer, project manager and CTO in a software company developing solutions for medical imaging and radar applications. Max has a vast knowledge of agile software development, teamwork and project management, as well as experience of TEKES/Business Finland and European Union financing mechanisms. He has several years' experience of technical solution sales in B2B software, especially in the US, European and South Korean markets. Max is an explorer with hobbies like bicycling, snowboarding, hiking and snorkeling.

Nils Effertz - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
Born and raised in Cologne, Germany, Nils has spent most of the past 25 years in the United States. He has held a variety of leadership positions in the health IT industry, ranging from start-up to multinational corporation and management consulting, providing highly relevant knowledge in the further commercialization of MediSapiens' technologies. As a U.S. and German citizen, Nils splits his time between serving current and new clients/partners on both sides of the Atlantic, MediSapiens' HQ in Helsinki, Finland, as well as his home in Cologne, Germany. Nils is passionate about transatlantic politics, a sports enthusiast and avid surfer.

Pekka Simula

Job Titles:
  • Board Member, Industry Expert
Pekka is a life sciences and IT professional with well over 20 years of life science experience. Pekka was the founding CEO of Oncos Therapeutics and CEO of Herantis Pharma (IPO in 2014) and is currently the Chairman of Finnish Bioindustries.

Petri Laine

Job Titles:
  • Chairman of the Board, Innovestor Ventures Ltd
  • Managing Partner in Innovestor Ventures
Petri is managing partner in Innovestor Ventures, a prominent owner of MediSapiens. Petri's specialties are Venture Capital, Corporate Finance and Growth strategies.

Prof. Olli Kallioniemi - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
  • Member of the Board
  • Board Member, Co - Founder Representative
Olli is a co-founder and board member of Medisapiens, and before his current appointment in Stockholm, he served as a founding Director of the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM) at the University of Helsinki, which had a major genomcis program leading to today's Fingen effort. Olli has also previously held several positions in the US, such as serving 8 years as the Head of Translational Genomics Section at the Cancer Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, at the NIH and then 5 years as an adjunct senior principal investigator at the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGEN) in Phoenix.

Prof. Steven Myint

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Board
  • Physician
Steven is a physician with global experience in health and biomedical management and commercialization. He has hold several positions in business field ranging from being Board executive as global Medical Director at GlaxoSmithKline to a numerous executive and non-executive directorships with several organizations in the public and private sectors. Steve currently is adjunct Professor of Translational Medicine at Duke Medical school in US and Singapore. He is a National advisor on diagnostics to the UK government, Chairman of the largest women's diagnostics company in ASEAN and a NASDAQ listed Board Director. Steve was a Professor and Chair of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the University of Leicester and Professor & Dean of Medicine at University of Surrey.