SWOT DIGITAL - Key Persons

Bruno Grandis

Job Titles:
  • Digital Marketing Executive
Bruno Grandis is a Digital Marketing Executive with 11 years of experience planning and developing digital campaigns for companies all around the globe. Initially a designer, he quickly realized his passion for learning to use new and creative tools, pivoting his career into becoming a multidisciplinary digital marketer. When he's not sitting in front of a computer planning and creating content for our clients, he is most likely playing great video games or watching really bad movies.

Chris Wanger

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Chris has worked in the digital marketing space since last century(!), running Google Ads campaigns for almost as long as they have. He set up Swot Digital along with Mark Loud in 2014 and oversees the Paid Advertising division of the company. Outside of work, it's all about family, watching lots of sports, playing golf and traveling. When he can, he likes to bore anyone that will listen about the time he once cycled to India and starred in a Bollywood movie.

Dusan Vostinic

Job Titles:
  • PPC Manager

Jelena Davidovic

Job Titles:
  • Social Media Ads Manager
Jelena has (as she puts it) been in a relationship, with digital marketing for more than eight years. With her first pay packet she bought a dog she named Djura who has gone through multiple global digital projects with her and she likes to say is a one of a kind digital marketing assistant. . She is so passionate about the work she does she is often tempted to buy the products and use the services she advertises. Outside of work, she loves to read and spend time in outdoors, usually overdressed because she is fashion addict.

Kristina Bogdanovic

Job Titles:
  • SEO Specialist
Kristina may have started her professional career by studying languages, Swedish particularly, but in 2015, she became a real SEO addict. She has an 11 years old experience in e-commerce, specifically in e-commerce SEO and content planning, with a love for analytics and all technical. Outside of work, she likes spending time with her boys, reading, enjoying interior design magazines and watching movies.

Lazar Jovanetic

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer
Lazar has over 17 years of experience in the IT sector. For the last 7 years, he has concentrated on WordPress development which is where his main career interests lie. He enjoys late-night coding and believes that everything can be fixed with a few lines of CSS code. Outside of work, food and nature photography are his main interests. He is trying to become a better chef every day. Besides that, he enjoys gaming, weight lifting and has a penchant for Baby Guinness.

Mark Loud

Job Titles:
  • Owner
Mark originally started his career as a Web Developer with an interest in all things technical. Whilst working in house as a developer in the early 00's he was exposed to the power of SEO and the dramatic effects it can have on a business. In 2009 he setup his own SEO agency and in 2014 merged with Chris Wanger to setup SWOT Digital as a full service Digital Marketing Agency.

Marko Mutavdzic

Job Titles:
  • Designer
As a child, Marko enjoyed the tv ads between cartoons. When he was in a car waiting for the green light, he was fascinated by the billboards. While studying, he was involved in programming, but quickly became bored of numbers and variables which he said were too uniform for his artistic brain. Basically, he's been designing his whole life and he loves brands and their stories. In his free time, when he's not at the computer, you can see him on the theater scene, in music videos, commercials and movies.

Paulo Andrade

Job Titles:
  • SEO Manager
Despite a background in architecture, Paulo soon found his true calling in Digital Marketing. Since joining SWOT Digital in 2017 as an SEO manager, he has never looked back. His drive and commitment are as fresh as they were the day he joined. Outside of work, he enjoys playing basketball (nobody's perfect), long walks in the countryside, and is an enthusiastic and long-suffering fan of his local football team.

Rob Giles

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Rob Giles has over 15 years of experience in marketing roles for SMEs in Dublin. He has built a wealth of knowledge in marketing planning, developing strategies and producing budgets. He possesses a Diploma in Digital Marketing and a Masters Degree in Digital Marketing and Analytics. Rob is an avid terrible golfer and also supports Leeds. Both past times do not help his stress levels.

Smilja Pjesivac

Job Titles:
  • Analyst
  • SEO Manager
  • SEO Strategist
Smilja is a brilliant SEO strategist and analyst with years of experience in SEO and digital marketing. She's results driven hungry to learn and provides creative solutions to unique problems. Away from work she likes long walks, good company and the great outdoors.

Vladimir Karaicic

Job Titles:
  • Web Developer
Vladimir, is a logical, technically-oriented IT professional with over 5 years of experience. He currently specialises in front-end web design mostly focusing on WordPress and Woocommerce, while also making strides in learning JavaScript and PHP.