Laura M. Austin - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Co - Founder
Laura "LaLa" Austin has a creative, operationally focused mind, with passion for how things are done and for improving process which she believes is the key to increasing ROI. PhotographerLaLa.com - As Owner and Photographer, she can light up your life with HDR (high dynamic range) landscape, portrait, and film set photography. In 2017, Laura began freelancing, which led her to work as the Set Photographer, Gaffer, and Associate Producer of an independent, feature-length film called "Edges The Familiar", which will be entered into film festivals in 2018 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt6398116/). She also began helping real estate agents by providing HDR photography to help maximize the impact of their property listings. LPMarketingGroup.com - As CEO & Co-Founder, Laura has partnered with husband, Patrick J. Austin, Esq. to create L&P Marketing Group in which they specialize in helping attorneys grow their businesses through content marketing. Laura is most helpful to clients looking to branch out into Paid Media. Topics that she is happy to discuss: user experience perspective from a Digital Ad Operations perspective. I am a well-versed user of all things Google DoubleClick - i.e. ad servers DFA, DCM, DFP. With 10 years of experience launching, managing, optimizing, analyzing, and reporting on paid digital advertising campaigns from both the selling and buying sides of the business, she has a world of expertise on the topics of programmatic exchanges; tag management, targeting, data management, attribution, video, mobile, social, and native paid advertising.

Patrick J. Austin - CFO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CFO
  • Co - Founder
Patrick has an analytical mind paired with the creative capability to generate compelling, unique content for clients. In addition to his eight years of marketing experience, Patrick has a Juris Doctorate from George Mason University School of Law. He is licensed to practice law in Virginia and the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.