123 RETIRE - Key Persons

Kern K. Watts

Kern has more than 14 years of diverse experience in the financial services industry, during which he has acquired many industry designations. More importantly, Kern prides himself on living by his motto, "there is no better time than the present to be better." Thus, he is always exploring new concepts, tactics, and strategies to help people be more effective with how they use each dollar.

Melanie Locke

Job Titles:
  • Mutual Fund Advisor Assistant - Manulife Wealth Inc
Melanie owns the friendly voice you hear when you call our office. She has become instrumental to our team's success. Apart from a great attitude, Melanie keeps this organization operational on a day-to-day basis. Since joining the firm, she's proven to be able to fix most problems, both internal and external, in a timely and professional manner. As you can appreciate, over the years, her knowledge has become extensive. Prior to joining 123Retire, Melanie worked in tech support for 5 years. That experience makes her especially good at handling questions posed by Robert and, of course, his clients. Incidentally, she's also bilingual (English and French). Melanie is mutual funds licensed; however, under the terms of her licence, she is not allowed to solicit trades. Nevertheless, she has proven more than capable of helping clients with their issues and processing their trade requests. Once we learned that Melanie always wanted to join the RCMP, albeit as a K9 officer, we quickly appointed her to be our Compliance Officer. We can confirm that she's taken this appointment to heart. Now that her children are no longer involved in sports, Melanie has rediscovered that she does have a life. When she gets some downtime, she likes to read; she's also confessed to watching reality TV. No one is indispensable, but in our office, Melanie comes close. Robert says that's because she specializes in making him look good.

Robert R Lamb

Robert is committed to helping his clients have better lives. And he's always telling them, "This isn't a dress rehearsal, you know; you've got to live now." Robert Lamb, Kern Watts, and Manulife Wealth Inc. ("Manulife Wealth") do not make any representation that the information in any linked site is accurate and will not accept any responsibility or liability for any inaccuracies in the information not maintained by them, such as linked sites. Any opinion or advice expressed in a linked site should not be construed as the opinion or advice of the advisor or Manulife Wealth. The information in this communication is subject to change without notice.