EARLY START - History of Changes

2023-05-03 delete support_emails su..@eytoolbox.com.au
2023-05-03 delete email su..@eytoolbox.com.au
2022-11-25 insert general_emails in..@eytoolbox.com.au
2022-11-25 insert support_emails su..@eytoolbox.com.au
2022-11-25 insert email in..@eytoolbox.com.au
2022-11-25 insert email su..@eytoolbox.com.au
2020-01-09 insert founder Prof Steven Howard
2020-01-09 delete address University of Wollongong Wollongong, NSW, 2522 Australia
2020-01-09 delete email st..@uow.edu.au
2020-01-09 insert person Ricky Tat
2020-01-09 insert person Sophia Lay
2020-01-09 update person_description Edward Melhuish => Prof Edward Melhuish
2020-01-09 update person_description Dr Steven Howard => Prof Steven Howard
2020-01-09 update person_description Simon Chadwick => Simon Chadwick
2020-01-09 update person_title Prof Edward Melhuish: Professor of Human Development at the University of Oxford => Founder and Co
2020-01-09 update person_title Prof Steven Howard: Lecturer => Founder
2020-01-09 update primary_contact University of Wollongong Wollongong, NSW, 2522 Australia => null
2018-05-29 delete about_pages_linkeddomain oztechit.com.au
2018-05-29 delete index_pages_linkeddomain oztechit.com.au
2018-05-29 delete management_pages_linkeddomain oztechit.com.au
2018-05-29 delete source_ip
2018-05-29 insert source_ip