Guy Faure

Guy earned his PhD in hydrogeology in 1982, at the University of Lyon. In 1987, after 3 years of working as an engineer for a drilling company, he founded his own drilling venture, Aquasondage, in the southeast of France. In 1997, Guy went on to found Idées-Eaux, an engineering office specializing in water investigation and borehole measurements. In 2007, he expanded, adding a second office in the French Jura region. His work with Idées-Eaux takes him throughout France, and abroad. Guy brings with him over 20 years of experience in the protection of drinking water basins.

Jean-Yves Nuttinck

Trained as a Mining Engineer, Jean-Yves specializes in groundwater. Since 1994, he has been involved in both emergency humanitarian interventions and long-term development aid projects. For more than 20 years, he has collaborated with MSF (Médecins Sans Frontières) while consulting for a number of international engineering offices developing urban and rural water supply programs. Since 2010, he has occupied the position of Water, Hygiene and Sanitation Referent at MSF's Operational Center in Brussels. With his wide-ranging practical experience, Jean-Yves offers a scientific approach, combined with project management skills, and extensive hands-on field experience.

Mamadou Zongo

Job Titles:
  • Sanitary Engineering Technician
Mamadou, a Sanitary Engineering Technician, began working with the Ministry of Health in Burkina Faso in 2004. After graduating from the Bioforce Institute in Lyon in 2009, he joined MSF in 2010. Since then, he has pursued a humanitarian career with MSF, working in the field as a WASH Coordinator and Water and Sanitation Project Manager.