Chrystèle Thézé

Chrystèle Thézé lives and works in Ecuador since 2009. In charge of the Cultural Department of the French Alliance of Quito for 4 years, she has developed an extensive network of cultural contacts, artistic, scientific and institutional spread throughout the country. Since 2011, she attended Andrés Barriga, Ecuadorian filmmaker trained in France and author of a dozen documentaries, including a television series of 30 episodes on the history of Ecuador. Together, they have just completed the realization of "Guardianes" medium-length on the Ecuadorian-Colombian border. His involvement in Ecuador is also illustrated in the dissemination, promotion and production of live entertainment sector with the support at the residence of many French and international artists NGC25 dance company met with the National Dance Company and National orchestra of Ecuador, Julien Loureau and Jeff Sharell, etc ...

Eric Charles Tassel

Job Titles:
  • Manager

Mónika Barrios Cabrera

Mónika Barrios Cabrera formed for careers in the audiovisual and cinema in Colombia, Cuba, and especially in France, where she studied and worked for 9 years, particularly in the documentary, at Zoom Zoom Generation, The Village Movies and The Factory. It was in France that it also participates in the organization of film festivals like "Tout Court" (Aix en Provence), "Cinema and Cultures of Latin America Biarritz" or "Real Cinema" (París). Back in Bogota in 2008, she worked for various companies as an independent director and executive producer continues its activity of artistic events such as general coordinator of "Ciudad Teatro", as part of the festival Iberamericano Téatro Bogota (FITB), where are represented 211 performances of different genres. Recently, she became executive director of the Cultural Fundaction Vertice she created to organize the first Nuit Blanche Bogota which attracted an audience of almost 25 000, 26 October 2013. Its foundation is also supporting the project White Nights network América Latina.