CEREALCOM - Key Persons

Mihai Anghel - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Director General
Mihai Anghel, the owner of the Cerealcom group and Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea, began his career in agriculture fortuitously. After his university graduation in 1987, he began working at Dacia Pitesti. After the Romanian revolution in 1989, he started a business with spare parts for cars, which was followed by tires, spare parts for tractors and agricultural machinery trade. Since barters were often practiced, Anghel became in 1993 the owner of two tractors. With them, he began to perform agricultural services, along with trading the obtained grain. The golden opportunity was becoming clearer, so he gradually began to develop his business to the current level - one of the most successful Romanian agriculture businesses. Among the assets of the Anghel family (Mihai and Cornelia Anghel) there is the Domeniul Coroanei Segarcea vineyard area, a historic area that was in the use of the Romanian Royal House since 1844.