PIXELENT - Key Persons

Clare Woods

Job Titles:
Clare is Pixelent's resident data nerd. She loves to dive deep into her client's analytics to understand how users interact with the website and create campaigns that drive success. When she's not nerding out, Clare enjoys cooking, weightlifting, and long walks with her rescue dog and resident best friend, Holly Woods.

Emily Drumm

Job Titles:
Emily specializes in building and optimizing paid search marketing strategies at Pixelent. In her free time, she can usually be found in the kitchen - cooking, baking or mixing up a cocktail with her two pups at her feet. If Emily could have any superpower, it would be Invisibility.

Helen Speiser

Job Titles:
Equal parts creative and analytical, Helen is a big-picture thinker with 13 years of digital marketing experience. Helen is a craft cocktail and foodie enthusiast who balances her food hobby with fitness. She is a graduate of Leadership Columbus' Signature Program and has a passion for social impact. She currently serves on the Development Board Committee for Star House - a non-profit dedicated to supporting youth experiencing homelessness. She also is on the board of YES! Columbus - a nonprofit working to empower women to achieve professional success and economic independence while serving the great mission of Dress for Success. Helen lives in German Village with her husband J.C. and her 10-year-old rescue Pitbull, Junior.

Lindsay Adams

Job Titles:
Lindsay is a veteran on the Pixelent team with nearly a decade of Pixie Power. She works with businesses of all sizes in all categories, including some of Central Ohio's top universities and healthcare systems. She also has a passion for community-driven projects that promote the vibrancy of Columbus. When she's not providing outstanding client service or analyzing piles of data, her husband and young son and daughter keep her busy. As a family they love outdoor adventures, concerts, festivals, and all that our great city has to offer.

Lisa Yazdani

Job Titles:
Lisa is our resident Craft Queen and Tik-Tok Connoisseur. She is a perfect balance of creativity and organization and is famous for whipping up amazing creative in a pinch for quick turnaround campaigns and reading all of the comments on our 10tv Social Page. When she's not checking things off her to-do list, Lisa enjoys spending time with her rescue cat, Luna who runs the household and trying as many local Mexican Restaurants as possible with her husband, Nick.

Mallory Martin

Job Titles:
Mallory is Pixelent's creative idea queen. She loves to brainstorm with clients and create unique strategies to drive these ideas home. She also loves spending time outdoors gardening and hiking in our local Metroparks and chronically forgetting sunscreen. Mallory's brood includes an FIV+ cat named George who she rescued from a local shelter and 2 spunky boxers named D.O.G. and J.J. that keep her on her toes.

Paige Keinath

Job Titles:
Paige is Pixelent's Social Media Connoisseur. She keeps the team up to date on trends in the social space and what the "kids are doing these days" on Tik-Tok. On a nice day in German Village, you can find Paige grabbing a book at the Book Loft, a vanilla iced latte with Coconut Milk from Stauf's, and maybe some chocolate from Winans, then heading to Schiller Park and staring at the sky. Columbus is her home, but her heart is in Stockholm, Sweden where she lived for a few years after college.

Rachel Schmitt

Job Titles:
Rachel brings years of experience in the non-profit sector to her role as an Account Manager at Pixelent. She is an enthusiastic Snapchat expert who often sends snaps of her smiling Golden Retriever, Wesley Harold Schmitt, to everyone she knows. If knocked on Rachel's door for a surprise visit you would find her practicing Self-Care Sunday by doing face masks and nail art with her daughter.