XERXES SCIENTIFIC - History of Changes

2022-04-03 delete index_pages_linkeddomain youtu.be
2022-04-03 delete index_pages_linkeddomain youtube.com
2022-04-03 insert address 2520 E 3rd Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926
2022-04-03 insert client Las Cumbres Obseratories
2022-04-03 insert client Weizmann Institute of Science
2022-04-03 insert industry_tag government
2022-04-03 update primary_contact null => 2520 E 3rd Ave Ellensburg, WA 98926
2019-12-14 insert index_pages_linkeddomain youtu.be
2019-08-19 update description
2019-04-03 insert email br..@xerxesscientific.com
2019-04-03 insert index_pages_linkeddomain youtube.com