AVRA LEGAL - Key Persons

Giorgio Vasi

Job Titles:
  • Italian Family Law & Asset Management
An attorney of the highest level in Italy arguing before the Italian Supreme Court. Mr. Vasi is an expert on Italian family law, protecting financial assets in an international arena, landlord-tenant laws, and personal injury claims. Former Vice President of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. Accredited at Embassies to the USA, Ireland, and Canada. An internationally recognized speaker at numerous major international seminars with a focus on asset management in family law. An

Marina Rossi - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder
Co-Founder of still the only Center for Victims of Domestic Violence in Italy. Ms. Rossi is an attorney with the grit needed to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and adversaries. An expert on Italian Family law with decades of securing her clients' rights. She is an honorary legal advisor at the Peruvian Consulate. A passion for assisting victims of domestic violence and harassment, she brings a skill set more versatile than most attorneys in Italy.


A New York City litigator, Mrs. Miklos is an expert on international family law (divorce, custody, child abduction/kidnapping, and Hague), Italian and American immigration, and estate planning & probate. A graduate of NYU and NY law, she began her career by returning a kidnapped child from a region with no enforceable international abduction treaty for support. Her background in the U.S. Military has assisted numerous clients receive successful court orders when it seemed otherwise impossible. Assisting clients throughout the U.S., Europe, and the Americas, she brings a strong background in international litigation to all of her clients. She is bilingual in Italian and English to answer your questions and navigate bureaucracy on both sides of the pond.