Jeff S. Dodge

Job Titles:
  • AV & Lighting Technician, Owner of Dodge Visuals, Founder of Trench Digger Productions & Lead Nepotist
Arguably working off and on for the company since it's inception, Jeff Dodge actively resisted learning too much about his father's business and managed to stave off working full time until the early 2000's. By 2003, Jeff was starting to take on more video projects (that actually paid money) as he & his father developed additional services that could potentially be offered by the both of them. Dodge Visuals started in 2005. Ultimately making themselves both unhireable in any other profession, the two Dodges continue to provide quality service, always learn new things on the job and happily expand their knowledge base within their respective fields. When not working for Stew or himself, Jeff is also active as a filmmaker and musician under the auspices of Trench Digger Productions. Jeff also enjoys traveling with his wife, writing & performing music with his Peasant Revolution Band and being an extreme loyalist to the Portland Trail Blazers. If it's not yet apparent, when possible and appropriate, we like to have fun in the workplace. With that in mind, please enjoy this behind-the-scenes slideshow of Stew Dodge Sound and the many talented engineers, musicians & production staff we've had the privilege to work along side of over the years...

Phil Sambo

Job Titles:
  • Engineer

Scott Peterson

Job Titles:
  • Lead Sound Engineer / Warehouse Manager, Owner of Tool Box Rock & All Around Swell Guy.
Starting in 1999 as a replacement for Stew's legendary lead sound engineer, Phil Sambo, Scotty P. joined as an already seasoned veteran from years of mixing in the infamous rock clubs John Henry's (Eugene) and E.J.'s (Portland). Scott has been running either monitors and / or Front of House for our biggest gigs ever since. He enjoys the opportunity & variety of media events, concerts & festivals that he gets to provide production for. When he's not mixing a show or spending time with his wonderful little daughter, Scott is most likely hard at work building a new custom-made guitar amp or unique sounding guitar pedals. If you're a guitar player that's interested, please be sure to visit him at:

Young Stew

Job Titles:
  • S Abuse Was of a Musical Nature
Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, Stew Dodge has been a fixture in the local music community for a majority of his life. After spending many years trying to forget the violin lessons taught to him by his Grandmother Mary V. Dodge, Stew taught himself how to play a variety of other stringed instruments. By 1967, he had settled into the role of lead guitarist role for the US Cadenza. Three years and a number of bands later, Stew would start a family and switch back to playing fiddle as the newest member of Dr. Corn's Bluegrass Remedy. Dr. Corn would continue to play throughout the Pacific Northwest until the late 80's while simultaneously exposing another generation of Dodge children to constant fiddle abuse. In 1990, aside from starting this company, Stew was also asked to join Fritz Richmond's Barbecue Orchestra. Despite the untimely passing of their legendary leader in late 2005, the remaining members of Barbecue Orchestra continue to jam and participate in reunions or as a backup band with such luminaries as Jim Kweskin, Geoff Muldaur and Portland's Mary Flower. When not busy with work or playing music, Stew enjoys vacations with his wife, car races and watching television with his cats.