Irwin Holloway - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Technical Director
Irwin Holloway is an expert in the Electronics industry. With over 30 years of experience, he brings the technical know-how and wealth of experience to the JRS Solutions team. Irwin has successfully mentored various technicians in the Electronics industry; many of whom are now entrepreneurs who have been empowered to run their own businesses. He has a passion to teach and develop the technical knowledge of all those who work under his wings. With his specialized expertise and understanding of Port operations, Irwin Holloway has opened a door for JRS Solutions to partner with Camco Technologies, an international company supplying Port Automation equipment to Transnet Port Terminals. JRS Solutions Camco Technologies in South Africa exclusively and we are responsible for the installation and maintenance of their equipment in South Africa.

Seshme Holloway - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
Seshme Holloway is a dynamic, resourceful entrepreneur with a passion to empower others. She has successfully completed RaizCorp's three-year intensive Supplier Development Programme, scooping the Blue Heart Award. This award is given to those who have a relentless ability to stand up again and again with courage. Seshme has persevered to grow the company by accessing funding and mentorship through various programmes, continually reinventing herself to keep moving JRS Solutions forward.