Natalie Ackerman - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
Natalie Ackerman is Vice President of ReVrb Leader Hubs™. She's a Certified Executive and Career Coach who has developed thousands of high potential individuals, leaders and teams over the course of her professional career. Having worked with teams across almost every industry, function and at every level of the organization from the production floor to the C-Suite, Natalie understands business drivers and what's most important to the organization. She has worked with companies such as US Bank, Cargill, Starkey, Select Comfort, ConAgra, and Bellisio Foods.

Steve Schad

Job Titles:
  • President of Optima Advisory
Steve Schad is President of Optima Advisory, LLC and the visionary behind ReVrb Leader Hubs™. An HR executive and organizational development practitioner in the corporate world for more than two decades, Steve experienced firsthand the benefits of integrating strategic practices to attract, retain and develop great talent. Steve has worked with companies across U.S. industries and in multiple sectors guiding them on HR and leadership development best practices and implementing programs to develop strong leaders by focusing on proven methods that work.