OPEN ADVANCE - Key Persons

Conrad Hake

Job Titles:
  • Database Architect
As an educator, Conrad started his career as a public school science teacher, later becoming a counselor working with special needs children. He then entered the computer industry as a software educator. As a software manager, he led the technical support team at DocuPro Corporation that computerized Consumer Reports Magazine. Conrad, as a software engineer, oversees our database architecture design and education planning of our mobile e-learning software programs. He received BA degrees in Education from Kansas State University and Computer Science from California State University, Hayward

David Kuchar

Job Titles:
  • Advisor
David Kuchar has a broad engineering background and experience in marketing and product design. David has founded four companies, including ASPNetMedia, which licenses software to web developers, and Lendfriend, a part of Angelpad, which was funded by Google Ventures and Science. He is currently a co-founder and CEO of Indisputable Labs, an R&D enterprise that builds projects and protocols using =blockchain technology.

Kenny Nguyen - CTO

Job Titles:
  • CTO
  • Member of the Leadership Team
Kenny is a service visionary with more than 14 years' experience managing back end environments for traditional and mobile applications. Kenny oversees platform development strategies for Open Advance. He ensures that our solutions are scalable and keep pace with security. Kenny also has strong development experience in the gaming industry, which will be

Rebecca Kammer

Job Titles:
  • Chief Learning Officer
Dr. Kammer has been a faculty member of optometry colleges for 14 years. She recently completed a doctorate in higher education. Her research focuses on student engagement and active learning aimed at critical thinking development in doctoral health professions education. She has re-designed her own teaching with significant learning experiences that have led to deep learning, retention of concepts and knowledge, and improved problem-solving skills in optometry students. Dr. Kammer consults for colleges on curriculum design using Active learning toward development of students' critical thinking and reasoning skills. Dr. Kammer earned her doctor of optometry degree from Ketchum University and her PhD from

Steve Chriest - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Member of the Leadership Team
In 2003, Steve founded a sales and management consulting firm serving Fortune 1000 companies in a variety of industries. Steve managed transition of the business to Nxell, focusing on learning technology for a mobile world. Steve's prior experience includes serving as CEO of a national finance organization for fifteen years and CEO of a business consulting and software database development company. Steve received a BA degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Since 1990, he has been President of Adults Toward Independent Living, a San Jose, California 501 (c) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing independent living facilities for adults with severe spinal cord injuries.