Updated 904 days ago
2431 N. Second Street, Suite 201, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110, United States
Rish Law Office, LLC, is a professional license defense firm with particular experience in the representation of physicians, nurses, funeral directors, and other professionals in licensing and disciplinary matters. Unlike many law firms, the exclusive focus of the Rish Law Office is the representation of licensed professionals and the preservation of their ability to practice their chosen career. As a result of his service as legal counsel to multiple licensing boards in a career spanning more than two decades with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Attorney Rish offers a unique perspective and experience that most other attorneys lack. He has successfully assisted applicants in obtaining initial licensure, defended professional licensees in disciplinary actions brought by the Commonwealth, and represented professionals in reinstating their licenses... Rish Law Office, LLC, is conveniently located two minutes from the Penn Center in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which houses the Bureau of..
Also known as: Rish Law Office, LLC