Brian Czarnecki - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
Brian joined the Valley City Plating team in October of 2014 as Vice President. Most days Brian can be found working with customers on projects, recruiting new talent, and identifying operational efficiency opportunities. Brian especially enjoys collaborating directly with our world class associates and finding ways to exceed customer expectations and creating a positive work experience. Prior to joining Valley City Plating, Brian worked 20 years with Coca-Cola Enterprises in various roles from Account Representative, Distribution Supervisor, and General Manager of several Sales & Distribution plants in the United States. Brian commenced his career with CCE as the Vice President of Operations for the state of Michigan. Outside of work Brian has a passion for photography that he shares with family and friends. He especially loves spending time with his two daughters and his wife, Kari at sporting and family events. You can also find Brian boating, mountain biking, fishing and working outdoors in his spare time.

Dave Lammers

Job Titles:
  • Safety Manager and Procurement
Dave has been part of the VCP team since 1981. Dave is responsible for purchasing supplies & materials used to manufacture the furniture that VCP used to make. Dave also assisted in the furniture design. Dave is currently the Safety Manager at VCP and also handles procurement. When Dave isn't working he enjoys woodworking, working on his Jeep, water sports and spending time with his grand kids.

Dave Pelletier

Job Titles:
  • Engineering Manager and Environmental Compliance Officer
Dave Pelletier has been a tremendous asset to the Valley City Plating team since 1978. As the Engineering Manager and Environmental Compliance Officer he and his team are responsible for all maintenance of equipment, engineering or tooling needs and Environmental compliance.

John Soddy

Job Titles:
  • Quality Manager
John Soddy joined our team in 2016 and is the Quality Manager at Valley City Plating. John has a BS in Mathematics as well as an MBA from Cornerstone University. John has worked in Quality Management for 14 years in various industries. John specializes in regulatory management /compliance, process and procedure optimization/ creation, and General Management, where he loves connecting with the people behind the scenes in the jobs that make a business run. John enjoys building Quality Systems to comply with third party expectations and will be focused on building an ISO compliant system for Valley City Plating in the coming years. John enjoys spending time with his 4 children, reading, and working on his house. John's hobbies include gardening, cooking, camping and spending time at the beach.

Jon Rasche - President

Job Titles:
  • President
As the President of Valley City Plating Jon is involved in many aspects of the daily operation, from Production to Personnel , all while leaning heavily on our dedicated and long term staff to help execute our success. Jon started with Valley City Plating in 1986 doing Janitorial jobs while in High School and left the company for about 10 years to pursue jobs in Retail Management and Commercial Insurance before returning in 1998 as the Plant Manager. Jon and Jeff (Jon's brother) purchased the company from their parents in 2002. Then in 2019 Jon purchased Jeff's shares in the business giving him 100% ownership in Valley City Plating.

Kumar Schwab

Job Titles:
  • Polishing Supervisor
Kumar joined the Valley City Plating team in 2016 as a polisher and has since moved into the role as Polishing Supervisor. A few of Kumar's responsibilities include training and developing new polishers, improving production efficiencies and ensuring we are meeting are customers' expectations on delivery and quality. His deep passion for cooking had him working as a professional chef at Noto's Italian Restaurant prior to coming to VCP. In Kumar's spare time he enjoys cooking with friends, family and catering for private events. He also enjoys the outdoors, golfing, fishing and boating during the summer months.

Marty Ransom

Job Titles:
  • Specialty Line Supervisor
Marty started at Valley City Plating in 1978 in the Lacquer room where he worked for 5 years before leaving VCP for a brief time. He then returned in 1988 as a polisher. Marty is looked at as an artist in his role as the Specialty Line Supervisor. On a daily basis you can find him working with customers on one of our 80+ finishes. In his free time he enjoys fishing, watching the New England Patriots and spending time with his Grand Kids.

Mike Hansen

Job Titles:
  • Chrome Line Supervisor
Mike has been with Valley City Plating since 1987 and is currently the Chrome Line Plating Supervisor. On a daily basis Mike can be found working with his team in the Chrome Department or directly with customers or suppliers. Mike also handles most of our plating rack needs and works with our rack builder to improve plating processes with the goal of Quality, Cost and Delivery for our customers. Over the past 40 years Mike has worked in many areas around the facility and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to VCP. When not at work Mike enjoys listening to country music, hunting, camping, fishing, riding his motorcycle and vacationing with his wife.