Apeksha Shah

Job Titles:
  • Fire Safety Engineer
Apeksha has 12 years of combined experience working at Auckland Council as a Fire Engineer and former Northshore City Council as a Technical Building Advisor. She has detailed knowledge of the New Zealand Building Code and the Building Act and clear vision of regulatory compliance for Fire Design. She has more than 10 years of overseas experience in structural design and finished her Master of Engineering in Fire Engineering from University of Canterbury in 2012. Apeksha is expert in Yoga and meditation. She spends most of her leisure time in spiritual activity and community services.

Carol Caldwell

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Chartered Professional Engineer
Carol is a chartered professional engineer, CPEng and fellow of the Institution of Professional Engineers of New Zealand with over 30 years of experience working on a wide range of projects. Over that time, Carol has built a small, talented and experienced team from a range of backgrounds who are passionate about what they do and have a wide range of skills. Carol is a very experienced fire engineer with over 35 years in the field. Her experience covers alternative solutions, performance-based design and Acceptable Solutions design for a wide variety of buildings; rest homes, bulk retail, atrium offices, heritage, shopping centres, industrial, food processing, bulk storage warehouses. Outside work, Carol and her husband Charley volunteer with GAP, (Greyhounds as Pets) and attempt to keep their two greyhounds; Zeke and Baloo from her giant stash of cooking chocolate.

Meet Patel

Job Titles:
  • Fire Engineering Technician
Meet has a Mechanical Engineering background with over 4.5 years of experience in the installation of fire alarm systems, compliance schedules, and Fire alarm systems testing. Meet is looking forward to enrolling in Masters of Engineering studies (Major in Fire) at University of Canterbury. He has been working on projects involving acceptable solutions designs. During his free time, Meet likes to indulge in music, movies, and gaming. If you don't find him listening to music, he might be on a plane traveling to Auckland or Queenstown catching up with his friends.

Megan Valedein

Job Titles:
  • Fire Safety Engineer
Megan is a Fire Safety Engineer with a BE Engineering background and a Masters in Fire Engineering studies from the University of Canterbury. Since joining Enlightened Fire Solutions in 2020, she has been involved with a broad range of projects, from Acceptable Solutions to large C/VM2 and alternative solution designs. She has in-depth knowledge and is comfortable using fire engineering software such as B-RISK, Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS), and Firewind. Outside of the office, she enjoys spending time with family, catching up with friends, going to the gym, and going for one-day tracks.