INSECTIFII - Key Persons

Narendra Pasuparthy - CEO, COO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • COO
  • CEO of Nandu 's Chicken
Narendra is also currently CEO of Nandu's Chicken and Director of the Nanda Group. He has over 12 years of experience in building software systems and close to a decade of entrepreneurial experience in the poultry and food industries. He is currently building India's first direct-to-consumer chicken products business. Mitali has prior experience in biological research, including studying the Black Soldier Fly. She has project management experience in circular economy businesses through internships in the Netherlands. She has also previously interned with NCBS in Bengaluru, India.

Naveen Pasuparthy

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director of Nanda Group
Naveen is also currently Managing Director of Nanda Group. He has many decades of experience in the poultry and software services industry.

Shiva Susarla - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director of RENERGii Asia
Shiva is currently Managing Director of RENERGii Asia, one of the region's first urban liveability consultancies. He is also Co- Founder of Urban Tiller, one of India's first farm-to-table agribusinesses. Shiva brings his experience as an investment banker and consultant in the renewable energy, cleantech and energy efficiency industries.