DNA LEGAL - Key Persons

David Nicholson - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
David Nicholson, a successful biotechnology entrepreneur founded DNA Worldwide Group in 2004 with the aim to transform the level of service provided and ensure true quality and care in the industry. With the complex scientific process of DNA and Toxicology testing in early 2000 clients were often left to fend for themselves, scrambling around to find places for samples to be taken and ending up with reports that did not make sense. David decided this had to change and set about to build a company with the highest quality laboratory testing, world leading experts and exceptional client support. In 2013 Eurofins Medigenomix Forensik GmbH adopted the trading name "DNA Legal" for Section 20 Court directed testing within the United Kingdom. David has been working in close collaboration with Eurofins in the toxicology market.