Attorney Karen J. Levitt

Job Titles:
  • Attorney
  • Writer
Karen J. Levitt is a highly skilled, compassionate family law attorney and mediator dedicated to resolving divorce and family disputes outside of court. An award-winning, proven divorce attorney with decades of experience, she is an early adopter and long-standing proponent of mediation, settlement counsel and Collaborative Law. Levitt is adept at and passionate about using collaboration and negotiation to achieve mutually agreed upon settlements, helping people avoid lengthy, costly, adversarial, and stressful court proceedings. These out of court approaches provide more peaceful resolutions that result in agreed to settlements that benefit entire families, including children. Levitt has a proven track record in helping people achieve strong and lasting agreements. As a family law attorney and divorce lawyer, she has been resolving divorces and family law disputes with and without traditional litigation for more than 30 years in Massachusetts. Highly skilled in the negotiation and resolution process, family law attorney Levitt helps to bring parties to their desired and mutually beneficial end game of "yes." As a thought leader in resolving divorce and family legal matters without a trial, Levitt teaches, trains, and publishes articles to help clients, attorneys and trusted advisors understand the benefits of choosing paths other than traditional litigation. Her work over the years as a mediator and collaborative lawyer has elevated the understanding and general acceptance of mediation, settlement counsel, and Collaborative Law in the state of Massachusetts. Education Boston University School of Law, Juris Doctor (JD) University of Rochester, Bachelor of Arts degree in history, with honors. University of Birmingham, England, one year as undergraduate student. Awards Attorney Karen J. Levitt is a nationally known writer and speaker on divorce and family law. Recognitions include:

Jacqueline Leonardo

Job Titles:
  • Paralegal
Jacqueline Leonardo joined the firm in 2011 and provides both paralegal and administrative support to our office and clients. Bilingual in English and Spanish, Jacqueline brings twenty years' experience as a paralegal to help plan, coordinate and communicate with the court, clients, and other offices or professionals involved in a case.