IT KEY WEST - Key Persons

Caroline Taylor

The foliage and weather of Key West reminded Caroline of her years of growing up in Kenya, so, after a vacation in Key West, she decided to move here - that was 20 years ago! A degree in Cultural Anthropology, acting on the local stage and sailing on a small boat, all helped her in some way to prepare for being part of IT Key West. In the business she does accounting and strategic planning, but that is not all, she also does rental management, local theater acting and keeps Samara (Caroline & Keith's daughter) learning something new everyday.

Keith MacDonald

The first summer job Keith had in college was working with a DOS based database system tracking blueprints for a government contractor. This work inspired him to pursue programming, but programming never satisfied his curiosity of computers, so over the years he expanded into building computer, servers and networks. Along the way he realized that it was also rewarding to provide training and bridge the gap between technology and the "end user". Corporate life took it's toll and in 1998 Keith quit it all and moved to Key West, becoming a boat captain. When Keith & Caroline's daughter, Samara was born in 2009, Keith decided to get back to IT, but on his own terms now - no corporate culture in this little company!