LEVINGER PC - Key Persons

Jeffrey S. Levinger - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
Jeff Levinger, founder of Levinger PC, has been a Texas appellate lawyer for over 35 years. He has authored hundreds of appellate briefs, and orally argued dozens of appeals in state and federal appellate courts, including 14 in the last two years. With a hands-on philosophy and an eye for detail, Jeff has handled appeals involving virtually every substantive area of the law, ranging from legal malpractice to intellectual property to products liability. And drawing on his early years as a trial lawyer, he frequently appears in cases at the trial level to write and argue dispositive legal motions and to position the case for trial and appeal. He is especially proficient in drafting and arguing jury charges, and he recently completed a lengthy term as the Chairman of the State Bar of Texas Pattern Jury Charge volume on Malpractice, Premises and Products. Jeff Levinger is a board certified civil appellate lawyer based in Dallas, Texas. With more than three decades of experience handling both trial and appeals, Levinger is uniquely qualified to represent the interests of businesses and individuals in the appellate process. His practice is evenly divided between federal and state courts and he represents a diverse array of clients on both sides of the docket. He is hands-on and multi-dimensional - two qualities that trial lawyers and their clients demand and value.