Molly Sheridan - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Founder
  • Owner
Molly Sheridan is an ultramarathon runner and adventurer. At 48 years old Molly entered her first marathon. Four weeks into training she injured her foot and was told that she was too old to be running. Taking her own advice, Molly corrected her training, mailed her finish-line picture to the doctor who told her she was old, and decided to challenge herself. As a novice runner, she entered the Rio Del Lago 100-mile Endurance Race. Traversing 100 miles non-stop through northern California, she discovered her love of endurance running, her youthful mind and her adventurous spirit. Molly is the first American woman to attempt and complete La Ultra-The High ultra-marathon, a 138-mile non-stop footrace in the Himalayas. La Ultra begins at 14,000 feet, with climbs to near 18,000 feet over two passes. The race culminates in the Morey Plains on the border between China and Pakistan. Even though the India Government said it was physically impossible to complete the distance, Molly completed the race August 13, 2011. As founder and owner of Desert Sky Adventures, Molly encourages others to walk and run for their health. She also speaks to audiences across the country on her exploits and the benefits of running for health and continues to run adventure races and ultra-marathons around the globe. It is the adventure that keeps her coming back for more. Follow her journey at www.

Shannon Brett

Shannon Brett signed up for her first half marathon in 2010 and was instantly hooked to the sport. Shannon has participated in numerous road and trail races all over the country including challenging obstacle course races by Spartan and Tough Mudder, 200 mile relay races, and ultra marathons such as the Antelope Canyon 50 Mile and Javelina Jundred 100 Mile. Shannon is a RRCA Certified Run Coach and enjoys helping people work towards achieving their goals.

Taylor Sheridan - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Taylor Sheridan is the President of Desert Sky Adventures. Taylor graduated from UNLV with a degree in Business Marketing in December of 2013. After completing her first half marathon two weeks before her college graduation, Taylor discovered her passion for running and traveling. Within the last year, she has participated in numerous international races such as The Great Wall of China Marathon and La-Ultra The High Trail Race in the Himalayas of India. She has also completed her first ultramarathon, The Bear Chase 50K in Colorado. She is certified in Body Rebuild, an incredible program to help strength and balance the body, and is also a RRCA certified run coach. At the age of 24, Taylor is completed her first 50 Mile trail race in Umstead, North Carolina. She went on to complete her first 100 Mile Race at Umstead in 2019. Taylor is hoping to inspire other young girls to find their passion for fitness and dream big. Follow her journey here.