MYWY - Key Persons

Lucy Rose Abraham

Lucy Rose Abraham graduated with a first from Central Saint Martins in 2019, since then she has directed several music videos, a short film and is currently in the early stages of working on a short documentary. She grew up performing in and devising theatre; a passion which has facilitated her skills in visual storytelling. Whether onstage or on set, Lucy is particularly interested in using light to shift tone and mood; finding elements of illumination within a dark canvas to elevate the narrative. Her attention to detail and innovation allow her to create naturalism within curated spaces, or conjure dream worlds within the everyday. "I have always loved storytelling and performed in youth theatres growing up. I love the possibilities directing gives me and the opportunities for collaboration. It allows me to constantly change and develop by the challenge of working on multiple very different projects at once. I hope over the next few years as I continue to develop my skills and experience, this will enable me to refine my visual style as a creative director."

Phil Griffin

Phil Griffin graduated from ‘Ballet Rambert' in London as a dancer and choreographer.