Dr. Nathalie Mizelle

Dr. Nathalie Mizelle has a doctorate in Rehabilitation Psychology from the University of the Wisconsin-Madison and has 26 years of professional experience as a rehabilitation and mental health practitioner as well as 19 years as a counselor educator. She has over 20 articles, book chapters, edited books, grants, and presentations and enjoys educating, training, and supervising mental health professionals. She conducts diagnostic assessments and evaluations, provides consulting services in the development and implementation of mental health, and social service research projects, in addition to services for organizations, business professionals, and television/media projects. She is a subject matter expert in the areas of resilience, trauma, micro-aggression, ethnic identity, addiction, home-based counseling, internet counseling, and multicultural issues within counseling and higher education. She enjoys watching movies, traveling (Pre-COVID), reading, and listening to music.