Updated 596 days ago
1231 Tusculum Blvd., Greeneville, TN 37745
Veritas Family Healthcare is a family medicine primary care practice is Greeneville, TN. We offer Direct Primary Care medical memberships, a patient-centric model...
As a Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice, Veritas Family Healthcare focuses on you and your health without intrusions from third parties such has insurance companies, the government, or hospital and large medical group administrators. With no obligations to them, we can provide primary care that is simple, transparent, personal, and affordable - the way it ought to be. If you give us a chance, we believe that we can help to restore some of your trust in the medical profession...
Veritas Family Healthcare and our patients also benefit from a top-notch staff of medical providers and office helpers. We're grateful for the hard work and compassionate care of our team…
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